Legacy Review
In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede
July 6, 1997 from the Saddledome in Calgary, Alberta
Commentary: Vince McMahon, Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler
The name of the show has a dual meaning: the Calgary Stampede is one of if not the biggest rodeo in the world (and I live in a small Texas city with one of the largest annual rodeos in the US so I actually have an idea what that's like) and had just concluded right before this show, and it's also a tribute to the old Stampede Wrestling promotion in Calgary that was run by Hart patriarch Stu Hart and that every member of the Hart family got their start in before it was bought out by WWF. This show is a bit of an end of an era as it's the last discount price 2 hour PPV produced by WWF, and the last numbered In Your House. After Summerslam WWF would expand every monthly PPV to 3 hours and the In Your House name would become secondary to the monthly name before being phased out completely the next year.
The opening video is particularly good, documenting the change from straightforward good and evil into much more shades of gray in the WWF world. In keeping with the Calgary Stampede theme the house set has been decked out like a farm/ranch house and everyone has their hats on.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley (w/Chyna) and Mankind double countout in 13:14- The King of the Ring final was only the beginning of a long and heated feud between these two. Jump start as soon as Mankind hits the ring. Early double underhook DDT! That wasn't a finisher yet so instead of covering Mankind mocks HHH's bow. HHH facebuster. Mankind backrops HHH over the top to the floor. Cactus Elbow off the apron! Bang bang! Cover for 2. Trips flip! Mankind sets up on the second rope for a super Cactus Elbow but HHH gets the hell out of town and walks up the ramp. Mankind clothesline from behind. Suplex on the ramp! HHH slowly crawls back to the ring....and gets knocked right off the apron. HHH sunset flip back in. The Mandible Claw is on! Chyna forearms Mankind to free HHH. Mankind goes out to have a word with her. HHH tries to attack from behind but Mankind gets the jump on him. HHH reverses a whip on the floor. Chyna scoops Mankind and slams him leg first on the steps! HHH comes in with a chair to the knee. Back in he clips Mankind's knee and we're going to school, kids, as HHH channels his inner Ric Flair. Figure four! HHH plays the cat and mouse rope leverage game with the ref before getting caught. Pedigree setup. Mankind counters out. HHH counters the counter pushing Mankind back into the corner, but it backfires when Mankind falls right onto his exposed crotch! Corner pound down from Mankind. Running knee. HHH does the tree of woe flip and Mankind drops an elbow on him. Mankind piledriver for a long 2 count. Cactus Clothesline! Mankind gets a chair. Chyna grabs it, HHH takes it and gives Mankind another chair to the knee. Chyna follows up by clotheslining him. HHH goes up top. Mankind backs into the ropes and HHH falls on the turnbuckle. The Claw is on again! Chyna grabs Mankind's legs, drags him down, and crotches him on the post. HHH follows and goes into beatdown mode on the floor. As both guys are going over the guardrail into the crowd the bell rings for a double countout. They don't care and keep on fighting into, much to commentary's amusement, one of the penalty boxes here on the home ice of the Calgary Flames. Damn good match. A definitive finish is always best, but this one works to keep the feud going, especially with how they play with it later in the night. ***3/4
Next up is video highlights of WWF Weekend during the Canadian Stampede, with the hometown hero Harts front and center. After that Austin tries to interrupt the Hart Foundation's promo with some physical violence but gets held back by officials.
The Great Sasuke def Taka Michinoku in 10:00- This is announced as part of WWF's new Light Heavyweight division, which they were creating to try to capture the same success WCW had been having with their cruiserweight division. On top of that, with WCW's longstanding relationship with New Japan, Vince is finally going out and getting some Japanese talent. Sasuke was quickly becoming a junior heavyweight legend in Japan, working mostly with Michinoku Pro but he also had an IWGP Junior title reign under his belt in New Japan as well as other junior titles from all over the world, including the original version of the WWF Light Heavyweight title that had been floating around in Japan for years and had just been discontinued to make way for this new division. Meanwhile, Michinoku was Sasuke's protege in Michinoku Pro (Taka got his ring name from the promotion's name as a sign of their faith in him) and was still in the early years of his career. Yes, this is the same Taka Michinoku still wrestling part time today in New Japan as a member of Suzuki-Gun as well as promoting his own shows. Funnily enough, WWF got Sasuke with the intention of him being the big star of the division, but they couldn't get a long term deal worked out so it ended up being the first big springboard in Michinoku's career. And as ever with Vince, he lost interest in the whole thing after a few months anyway. But never mind all that shit, Mankind and HHH are still fighting in the crowd! I guess all the officials were trying to keep Austin away from the Harts. After they get back to the backstage area this match finally gets going. Cautious start with Sasuke swinging some exploratory kicks. After a clean rope break Sasuke gets a takedown and Michinoku blocks an armbreaker. A Sasuke reverse kick connects. Snap mare into a chinlock and headlock. Michinoku escapes into a partial surfboard. Commentary is really playing up Sasuke as a big effing deal. Well, JR and Vince are. Lawler's completely checked out for this match. Sasuke tries to hook on a sleeper. Michinoku fights out, hits the ropes, and runs jaw first into a Sasuke kick! That got the crowd, who'd spent the first part of the match waiting for Mankind and HHH to come back out, into it. Single leg crab from Sasuke and Michinoku gets to the ropes. More kicks from Sasuke. Michinoku grabs one and floors Sasuke with an open hand strike! Snap mare/basement dropkick. Another Michinoku basement dropkick to Sasuke's face to a nice crowd gasp. Sasuke backdrops Michinoku to the floor. Sasuke comes off the top with a flying kick down to the floor but both guys are down and take a while getting back in. Another flurry of stiff kicks from Sasuke back in. Michinoku counters with a dragon screw! Dropkick to Sasuke's knee. Sasuke rolls to the floor. Michinoku runs up, leaps and springboards off the top rope, and hits a crossbody to the floor! That REALLY gets the crowd into it. He tries to suplex Sasuke back in. Sasuke flips out to his feet, grabs a waistlock and tries to German suplex Michinoku, but Michinoku flips over onto his feet! Michinoku hurricanrana for 2. Magistral cradle for 2. He hits the ropes, and Sasuke cuts him off with a handspring elbow! Michinoku rolls to the floor. Sasuke springboard moonsault! Speed run back in. Michinoku belly to belly suplex for 2. Missile dropkick to Sasuke's back. Michinoku Driver! Sasuke kicks out! Michinoku tries coming off the top rope again. Sasuke dropkicks him in midair! Springboard moonsault for 2. Thunder Fire Powerbomb. Tiger suplex from Sasuke, and that gets the pin! A pure 100% Japanese style junior heavyweight match in a WWF ring? Hell freaking yes. Anyone that tries to tell you great wrestling alone can't get a crowd invested is completely full of shit, as this match proves. ****1/4
Mankind and HHH are STILL fighting in the parking lot! Mankind gets thrown through a bunch of conveniently stacked and placed beer kegs. HHH tries to Pedigree Mankind on a stack of wooden pallets but Mankind backdrops out. Officials finally get them separated after that.
WWF Championship: The Undertaker (c) def Vader (w/Paul Bearer) in 12:39- Vader is replacing the oft-injured Ahmed Johnson (a major upgrade), who had just turned heel and joined the Nation of Domination as that group started to splinter off into other groups to really set off the gang warfare Vince Russo loved. Since King of the Ring Taker has kicked Paul Bearer to the curb again, causing Bearer to make good on his promise to expose Taker's dark secret: he's a MURDERER who Bearer claims killed his family by setting fire to their funeral home. How does he know? Because, unknown to Taker, his younger brother Kane survived and is STILL ALIVE! Commentary wonders how much Taker's head is in this match with all that swirling in the background. These two had a very underwhelming match at the Royal Rumble (probably because they were both pulling double duty) that Vader won with Bearer's help. Taker jumps out quick at the bell. Clothesline and legdrop. Avalanche from Taker. Old school hits. Vader pops out of the corner with a tackle. Taker situp and flying clothesline. Vader tries to slow things down with a headlock. Shoulderblock from Vader. Taker big boots send Vader to the floor. Taker gets whipped into the steps and Bearer mocks him. Vader tries to pull Taker back in but gets neck snapped over the top rope. Taker clothesline off the top. An uppercut sends Vader 360 to the floor again. Taker stalks Bearer. Vader clothesline from behind. Bearer beats Taker with his shoe. Who uses a shoe, honestly? Vader starts laying in the corner potatoes. Short clothesline. Clothesline off the second rope for 2. Suplex. Vader big splash for 2. Taker comes back with a flurry of body shots. Vader shuts it down with a clothesline and more potato shots. Taker punches back. Goozle! Vader low blow! He charges. Taker scoops him up into tombstone position! Vader tries to reverse it but loses his balance and falls. Taker quickly recovers to cover for 2. Another Vader tackle. Vader bomb set up. Taker sits up! Low blow! Tit for tat. Chokeslam off the second rope! Vader kicks out! Another chokeslam. Vader kicks out again! Taker calls for the tombstone, plants Vader with it, and it's over. Now this is more along the lines of what these guys are capable of. ***1/4
Before the main event we get the Canadian national anthem. Stu and Helen Hart are ringside along with most of the other Hart brothers.
The Hart Foundation def "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, The Legion of Doom, Goldust and Ken Shamrock in 24:31- I've long argued that the world title match, or whatever the company's top title is, should always main event major shows if it's on the line. This is one of the few exceptions to that rule. I can't imagine anything main eventing this show other than this match with this insane partisan pro-Hart Canadian crowd. Austin plays with the crowd as he comes down the ramp, fully embracing being the heel again for the night. The Hart Foundation all get individual entrances with their own music, each to a big pop, topped off with Bret getting an absolute roof buster at the end. Fantastically done, presentation wise. Owen is debuting his new buzzcut look tonight. All 10 guys stand off in the ring before the bell. Bret and Austin are in the middle staring down with Bret, thumbs in his tights, giving absolutely no fucks at all. The ring gradually clears out leaving just the two of them in. The bell rings and they immediately start slugging it out! Bret beats Austin down in the corner with the crowd going absolutely bonkers. Austin reverses it to massive boos. Bret clothesline. Inverted atomic drop and another clothesline. Austin low blow in the corner and he stomps a mudhole in Bret. Million Dollar Dream! Austin going back into his old Ringmaster playbook. Bret flips over in the corner and Austin just gets out before getting pinned. Austin Thesz Press on Anvil. Anvil ducks a Shamrock kick, laughs, and gets caught with the same kick attempted again. Ankle lock! Pillman runs in to break it up. Pillman tags in and goes crazy on Shamrock. Shamrock fights back with a clothesline. Belly to belly suplex. Owen enzuguri on Goldust for 2. Mounted punches from Goldust while a huge "Austin sucks" chant goes on. Austin is playing up to it like crazy in the corner but sadly only little glimpses of it get on TV. But, the action in the ring is so nonstop it's understandable. Hawk goes high impact on Owen for a bit. Splash off the top for 2. Owen dodges a dropkick. He goes for the Sharpshooter but Animal breaks it up. Bulldog delayed suplex on Hawk for 2. Powerslam! Goldust breaks the pin up. I love how guys are hitting their finishers early. Very outside the usual formula. Bret and Goldust size each other up. Knees to the gut from Bret and Goldust gets stuck in the tree of woe in the HF corner. The whole HF team rains punches down on him and we're DONNYBROOKING! Order is quickly restored. Owen backbreaker on Goldust. Goldust dodges and Owen goes shoulder first into the post. Owen spinning heel kick on Animal. Missile dropkick. He goes for a hurricanrana but Animal blocks it and powerbombs him. Powerslam. Doomsday Device! Anvil breaks the pin up and everyone's in again! Austin posts Owen's knee, then whacks it with a chair in the confusion. He gets into it with the Hart family and takes some swings at Bruce Hart! Bret comes over to make the save. The HF check on Owen with more "Austin sucks" chants going. Anvil tags in and Owen limps off. Anvil lifts Austin up and carries him into the HF corner for a huge beatdown as Owen is helped to the back. Austin fights the whole Hart Foundation off that crazy son of a bitch! Pillman tags in and Austin pulls him around by his tights. Kick wham Stunner! Bret saves, drags Austin down and posts his knee in retaliation for Owen. Fire extinguisher to Austin's knee! Post wraparound figure four! Animal breaks it up and Austin tags out. Hawk gets crotched on the top rope by Bulldog. Officials try to help Austin but he naturally refuses. He does limp his way to the back though, making the match 4 on 4 for now. Animal and Anvil reset and calm things down a little with a test of strength. Anvil and Bret to a Demolition style Decapitation Device for 2. One of my very few quibbles for this match: I would have liked to have seen more old school Hart Foundation double team moves. It doesn't hurt the match not having them, just a personal preference. Shamrock tags in and sets Bret up for the ankle lock. Pillman again that loose canon runs in and clotheslines Shamrock. Gut headbutt from Bret. Bret bump in the corner! Huge stiff forearm from Shamrock. Then he hesitates, wanting a stand up fight with Bret. Bret quickly gets the advantage and tosses Shamrock to the floor. Pillman throws Shamrock over the, er, international announce table! Not sure which one that was. Huge brawl on the floor. Bret Russian leg sweep on Shamrock. Bulldog pummels Shamrock down in the corner. Low blow from Shamrock. I'm not sure that's MMA rules kosher. Goldust bulldog on Bulldog. He goes for the Curtain Call. Once again it's Pillman running in and breaking it up. Bulldog superplexes Goldust. Austin limps his way back down and immediately wants to tag back in. He gets it. Bret also tags in and here we go again. Bret bump 2! Austin suplex for 2. Bret swinging neckbreaker. Backbreaker and elbow off the second rope for 2. Bret hooks on a sleeper. Austin jawbreakers out. Bret leg takedown. Sharpshooter! Animal breaks it up to huge boos. Austin flips Bret off and puts on his own Sharpshooter! Owen's back and breaks it up! Owen wants to tag back in and does. Austin clotheslines Owen 360 to the floor. He throws Owen into the guardrail in front of the Hart family and gets into it with them again! Austin's brawling with Stu Hart and all the Hart brothers! Bret runs over and breaks it up. Austin gets back in still jawing with them. Owen sneaks up, rolls Austin up, grabs a handful of tights and gets the pin! Holy hell what a match. Absolute perfection from everyone involved. This is the gold standard for large multi man tag matches without even getting into how great the whole Hart Foundation angle was. This is also a textbook example of a nuclear hot crowd raising an already great match to another level. *****
The fight continues after the bell. The whole Hart family comes in from ringside as order is slowly restored. The family celebrates in the ring.....until Austin runs back in with a chair by himself! The whole family beats him down. Security puts Austin in handcuffs. He's still trying to fight, and while being led away flips the crowd off even with the handcuffs on. Far from the last time Austin will leave an arena in handcuffs. The main fallout from this match is Austin would shift his attention from Bret to Owen and the Intercontinental title. The Hart family continues to celebrate in the ring to close the show with a seemingly never ending stream of relatives coming in. I think the whole arena is related to them. I kid, but it is a truly nice moment for them all, especially with how things would play out for them the next couple of very difficult years.
OVERALL SHOW THOUGHTS- To this day this show is spoken of in almost hushed, reverent tones by wrestling fans and with good reason. Four matches on the card and every single one of them delivers in spades, and on top of that right in the middle of one of the company's hottest creative runs ever with great and compelling stories happening all over the place. The red hot Canadian crowd, not just for the Hart Foundation homecoming but the whole show, is a cherry on top. The only knock you could have on this show is in the long run it's not very historically important with no major angle advancement or title changes happening, it's simply a great wrestling show. Which usually is all that you need.
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