Monday, August 26, 2024

No Way Out 2000

Legacy Review

No Way Out 2000

February 27, 2000 from the Hartford Civic Center in Hartford, CT

Commentary: Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler

We're on the road to Wrestlemania 2000 (AKA 16, in the year 2000 everything is 2000). The show opens with a fantastic video featuring Mick Foley, who's putting his career on the line tonight again as Cactus Jack to get one more shot at Triple H and the WWF Championship in a Hell in a Cell match. There's an enclosed cage around the entranceway, a cool way to play off the Cell match and "No Way Out" in general.

WWF Intercontinental Championship: WWF European Champion Kurt Angle def Chris Jericho (c) (w/Chyna) in 8:02- Angle defeated Val Venus on Raw in early February to win his first ever title in WWF and is now looking for the midcard double. He riles the crowd up by hitting on the late, locally beloved Hartford Whalers who, Angle was correct, haven't come back. Since the Rumble Jericho has been turned fully face, the crowd reactions he was getting left them little choice, and he and Chyna now have a mutual respect partnership after battling over the IC title themselves. Calling Angle "Kirk Angel" is one of Jericho's great early wordplays. Chyna gets her own entrance even though she's got pretty much nothing to do here. Huge pop for Jericho on his entrance, then there's a big "Y2J" chant after the bell. Speed start. Angle gets a shoulderblock. Jericho hits a hiptoss. Angle gets up and slaps him! Jericho slaps back. Clothesline and chops from Jericho. Angle drop toe holds Jericho into the bottom rope. Jericho backdrops Angle over the top to the floor. The springboard dropkick knocks Angle back off the apron. Angle gets the edge and pounds Jericho around the ringside area. This isn't either guy's wheelhouse, they'd be much better off keeping it in the ring, but such was the style at the time. Angle whips Jericho toward the stairs. Jericho leaps up and springboard moonsaults off them! He's a little off target and his feet hit Angle in the head. Going back in Jericho goes up top but Angle crotches him. Belly to belly superplex! That gets 2. Snap suplex from Angle for 2. Jericho kicks and hits a double underhook backbreaker. Angle turns a whip reversal into a German suplex! He armbar slams Jericho for 2, then goes to work on that arm. After some back and forth corner maneuvering Jericho hits a spinning heel kick, followed by a bulldog. Flying forearm for 2. Angle leaps for a hurricanrana. Jericho blocks it and hits a powerbomb! He's slow to cover because of his hurt arm. When he does Angle counters into an armbar! Jericho manages to get to the ropes. Corner whip and Angle Bret bumps! Jericho comes off the ropes for a quick follow up. Angle counters to hit the Angle Slam! Jericho kicks out! Angle is furious, goes out and gets the IC belt. Ref Tim White tries to take it away from him. Jericho double leg takedown and the Walls are on! Angle fights and slowly crawls over to get a rope break. The belt is still in the ring. They go back to the floor. Slugfest. Angle gets the European belt. Chyna tries to distract him. Angle swings at her with the belt and she ducks. Jericho pushes Angle from behind, which pushes him into Chyna and Chyna into the stairs! Chyna's hurt and White hops out to check on her. Jericho suplexes Angle off the apron back in, but Angle lands right next to the discarded IC belt. Jericho goes for the Lionsault. Angle grabs the belt, uses it as a shield and Jericho leaps right into it! Angle covers and gets the pin for the title! Fantastic finish. Angle becomes the third and final Eurocontinental champion. After the bell Hebner runs in and argues with White but White stands his ground and the decision isn't changed. Angle would carry both belts to Wrestlemania. Go back and watch Angle's debut in November then this match again and you'll see how much better he's gotten in just four months. It's scary, and he's still nowhere close to as good as he will be. And I'm not taking anything away from Jericho there, he's already fantastic, but Angle is one of my all time favorites and I'm loving watching his development again. ***1/2
WWF Tag Team Championship: The Dudley Boyz def The New Age Outlaws (c) in 5:20- Since losing the tables match at the Rumble, "their" match, the Dudleyz have been on a reign of terror, putting any body they could find through tables every chance they got on weekly TV, male or female. The Dudleyz are the first wrestlers tonight not to do a promo on their entrance. They charge in and it's on. Ref Teddy Long hollas at Gunn to get on the apron, then D'Von. He ain't having none of that shit tonight. Dogg quickly goes into his dancing jabs on Bubba Ray. Bubba Ray counters with the Bubba Bomb! He punches Gunn to bait him in so the D'Von can hit the second rope crotch headbutt. Dogg gets pounded around. He manages to get a sunset flip on D'Von for 2 before D'Von puts him back down with a clothesline. Bubba Ray does a crotch chop at Gunn to bait him again and chokes Dogg. Chops from Bubba Ray and he pounds Dogg down in the corner. Slam from Bubba Ray and he goes up to the second rope. Gunn walks across the apron to distract him. Behind Long's back Dogg hits a Greco Roman Cock Punch and hits a superplex! Tag to D'Von. Tag to Gunn! Hot tag run from Gunn with clotheslines and backdrops. He hits the Fameasser on D'Von! Bubba Ray pulls Gunn off the cover to the floor. Dogg hits his dancing kneedrop on D'Von and covers for 2 even though he's clearly not legal. On the floor Bubba Ray has a lead pipe and he whacks Gunn in the arm with it! 3D on Dogg! The Dudleyz get the pin and win the WWF tag titles for the first time! After the Dudleyz leave Dogg and Gunn argue before TV cuts to replays and backstage. Not much of a match, but the Dudleyz dispatching the at the time most decorated tag team in WWF history with relative ease was most definitely a statement. Times are changing in the tag division. In fact, this was the end of the Outlaws' original run at the top. They'd trade off between butting heads and reteaming until Dogg's release the next year, and wouldn't win the WWF/E tag titles together again until their nostalgia run in early 2014. *1/2

Man of the people Kurt Angle celebrates his Eurocontinental champion status with some fans in the concessions area.
"Sexual Chocolate" Mark Henry def Viscera in 3:48- Right, buckle up kids. Henry and Mae Young have been a thing for a while on TV. Recently, 77 year old Young announced that she was pregnant and Henry was the father. I'm not sure that's physically possible but whatever. On a recent Raw, Viscera gave Young a big splash. Everyone was worried, but the baby is fine. It'll come out as a giant hand but it's fine. This is Henry's revenge match. Henry comes out first then jumps Viscera on the aisle during his entrance. They go back and forth back in the ring, then lose their spot and fumble around for a minute near the ropes. Henry hits a shoulderblock. Spinning heel kick, as much as he could still do, from Viscera. JR says "I guess the World's Strongest Man has the world's strongest sperm". 360 clothesline from Viscera. Henry gets whipped into the stairs and hits them hard. Viscera set the stairs upright and Henry goes into them again. Pretty loud "boring" chant from the crowd as they get back in the ring. Viscera covers for 2. The crowd boos the kickout! Samoan drop from Viscera. Here comes Young, jogging her way to the ring as fast as she can. She tries to cover Henry up. Viscera shoves her down and goes for another pregnancy killing splash. Henry cuts it off with a tackle. A simple bodyslam gets the pin. Insane story aside, this is just what you'd expect from these two. DUD

The Hardyz manager Terri is making her return tonight after being one of the Dudleyz table victims. Earlier on Heat, she enlisted the services of the Acolyte Protection Agency to make sure the Dudleyz don't attack her again during the match.
WWF Tag Team Championship #1 Contender's Match: Edge & Christian def The Hardy Boyz (w/Terri) in 16:55- The APA get their own entrance after the other teams come out and position themselves at the end of the entrance aisle. This is face vs face but these two teams have already had their issues in the past. Edge jumps Jeff from behind to kick things off. A Jeff corkscrew moonsault is dodged. Jeff does a nice flip over on a Christian backdrop attempt and hits a shotgun dropkick. Double legdrop from the Hardyz. The shirts are already off. Judging by the reaction so are a few panties. Matt back suplex on Christian for 2. Big chop exchange. Speed run, Christian slides to the floor, and Jeff hops down to run him into the barricade. Back in Poetry in Motion gets 2. Jeff hits a setup powerslam, then a springboard moonsault for 2. The Hardys have definitely been acting like heels so far in the match. It's cool to see, but it also stops once E&C get on offense later so I'm not sure if it was really the right call or not. Christian blocks a Matt powerbomb attempt and turns it around into a neckbreaker. Matt drags Christian away from his corner and tags Jeff. Jeff comes off the top but Christian gets his boots up and tags. Hot tag run from Edge. Matt goes to the floor and Christian gives him a springboard plancha. Jeff gets snapped over the top rope and rolled up for 2. Christian wheelbarrow slam on Jeff. This is where the Hardyz heeling it up ends as Jeff goes in peril. E&C pound Jeff down with stomps in their corner. Christian drop toe holds Edge for a headbutt into Jeff's crotch! That's an innovative double team. Edge hooks on a dragon sleeper while also giving Jeff knees in the back. Jeff escapes and gets a jackknife cover into the bridge up/backslide spot. Edge counters a Jeff flip over into a piledriver for 2. Jeff is doing a superb Ricky Morton impression in this match. No one could take an extended beating like Ricky Morton. Hurricanrana from Jeff. Edge grabs his foot to keep him from tagging. Jeff leaps for another one but Edge blocks it into a powerbomb. Christian powerslam for 2. Edge/Jeff speed run and both guys have the same idea, leading to a double hair grab faceplant. Christian runs in and stomps on Jeff. While the ref's distracted Matt hits an elbow off the top rope on Edge! Jeff covers for 2. Edge cuts the tag off again. He tries coming off the top rope. Jeff dropkicks him in midair! Both sides tag and now it's Matt's turn for the hot tag flurry. Neckbreaker on Christian for 2. DONNYBROOK! Edge gets set up on Matt's shoulders. Jeff is up top, looking for some variation on a Doomsday Device. When he leaps Edge ducks and victory rolls Matt! At the same time Jeff flies over and hits Christian with a crossbody! The ref counts 2 for both of them. Edge gets tossed out and Christian is isolated. The Hardyz hit their splash/legdrop off the top rope combo. Edge breaks the pin up. Another Poetry in Motion attempt. Edge spears Jeff in midair! Matt dodges an Edge spear! Twist of Fate! Christian grabs Matt and goes for an Edgecution. Matt counters and hits an inverted atomic drop. Jeff goes up top again. Terri gets on the apron. She pushes Jeff off all the way to the floor! What? Christian counters out of a Matt Twist of Fate attempt. Terri slaps Matt! Unprettier! That gets the pin. Terri gets in and tries to celebrate with Edge and Christian but they have no idea what this crazy lady is doing, they never asked for her help. After they leave Matt grabs Terri by the hair! That triggers the APA's contract! They run in and take the Hardyz out, including Faarooq dropping Jeff on his head with a bad Dominator. These guys could have good normal matches too, not just crazy gimmick ones. Thanks to these two teams and the Dudleyz the WWF tag division is in the best shape it's been in for nearly a decade. ***1/2
Tazz def The Big Boss Man (w/Prince Albert) by DQ in :47- Boss Man tries to jump in the aisle but Tazz is ready for him. The brawl goes to the ring and Boss Man hits an avalanche. Clothesline from Tazz. Exploder suplex. Tazzmission! Albert runs in and draws the cheap DQ. After the bell Albert hits Tazz with the choke powerbomb. Boss Man gets a nightstick shot. The beatdown continues as Tazz refuses to stay down and keeps fighting back. Yet more beatdown that goes on for way longer than the match did. Boss Man gives Tazz another nightstick shot to the head and the nightstick breaks! Finally Slaughter and a ref gaggle come in to try to stop it. I fail to see how that did Tazz any good. NR

Kurt Angle's celebration continues. Now he's on a megaphone up in the cheap seats somewhere.

The Kane/X-Pac best friends to mortal enemies soap opera continues. The latest developments are why I call it soap opera. Tori turned heel by breaking up with Kane and hooking up with Pac. I thought I remembered Tori saying something about Kane being impotent because of his burns, but it's not mentioned in the recap or anytime during the match and you *know* Lawler would have run down the whole football field with that one and spiked it after. The breakup shock sent Kane in a spiral that caused him to be institutionalized (again), and when he came back he had Paul Bearer back with him for emotional support. Now I see Bearer as a service animal and that image will stick for a while. Kane then made himself feel better by giving Tori a Tombstone. On the last SD before this show Pac shot some fire in Kane's face, retraumatizing him for about the tenth time since his WWF debut.
No Holds Barred Match: X-Pac (w/Tori) def Kane (w/Paul Bearer) in 7:46- Kane sets his post pyro off from the entranceway and charges in. He no sells everything Pac throws at him. Tiltawhirl backbreaker and Kane 360 clotheslines Pac to the floor. Pac calls Tori over and they walk. Kane stalks and attacks Pac in the stage area. Pac tries to climb the cage on the aisle. Kane pulls him down. High spot denied. Pac counters a run and Kane goes into the cage. Kane no sells a trash can shot and works Pac over with the can. They brawl into and through the crowd back to ringside. Pac gets dropped on the barricade. He dodges Kane coming at him with the stairs. Kane tosses the stairs into the ring. Mentally circle that for later. Pac hits Kane with the bell. He gets a chair but Bearer takes it away. Bearer goes nuts pounding on Pac! Rabid service animal. Tori comes over and hits Bearer. Bearer gives her a bit of a chase. Pac and Kane finally get in the ring. Kane goes up top and Pac dropkicks him off. Corner kick combo. Pac does the bronco buster. That only pisses Kane off. Clothesline. Pac ducks a big boot and basement dropkicks Kane's knee. He sets to work on the knee. "X-Pax sucks" chant from the crowd. Kane kicks Pac over the top to the floor. Back in Pac hits a spinning heel kick. He comes off the top rope. Kane catches him! Pac slips out and hits a low blow. X-Factor! Bearer gets on the apron. Pac punches him out. Kane hits a big boot. Clothesline off the top. Now Tori gets on the apron. Pac tries to jump. Kane goozle! Chokeslam! Tori hops on Kane. JR: "Tori tries to mount Kane". Oh, he couldn't resist that one. Kane flips Tori over. She takes another Tombstone! Kane picks up the steps to finish Pac off. Pac dropkick. The stairs fall on top of Kane and pin him down! Pac uses that to get the pin! Very solid brawl, but this feud needs to end. And as great as Kane was when he first came in, his character is getting in need of some refreshing now. **3/4
Too Cool def The Radicalz (w/Eddie Guerrero) in 12:38- Oh. Hell. Yes. The Radicalz are here. Along with (currently injured) Guerrero the group consisted of Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn. Three out of four ain't bad. Sorry not sorry Saturn. They all jumped over together from the massive combined dumpster and tire fire WCW had become and debuted on the Smackdown after the Rumble. These guys, along with others already in the company like Angle, Jericho and Triple H, would help WWF find the "wrestling" in World Wrestling Federation again, moving away from the very brawling heavy style that had taken hold in the company the past few years. A little surprisingly they came in as heels and quickly allied themselves with the new McMahon-Helmsley regime. On the other side, Rikishi joined the existing Too Cool team of Scotty 2 Hotty and Grandmaster Sexay (Brian Christopher) not long after his debut and they quickly exploded into one of the most popular acts in the company. It's the dancing. Rikishi getting the monster run in the Rumble didn't hurt any. The Radicalz jump before the bell. Rikishi quickly takes the upper hand. One of his legs is all taped up, I can't remember if it was just story or if he was working through something legit hurt. Guerrero comes in with the lead pipe he was hiding in the sling for his hurt elbow. Rikishi cuts it off, takes the pipe, and nails Guerrero in the bad elbow with it. That's him done for the rest of the match. During the reset Saturn hits Sexay from behind and the bell rings to start for real. He rips Sexay's shirt off and chops him. Sexay blocks a superplex and hits a missile dropkick. Enzuguri on Saturn. Benoit tags in and runs into a hiptoss. Sexay bulldog for 2. Double elbow from Too Cool. Benoit drops Scotty on the top rope. Scotty goes into dodge mode and hits a suplex. After a moonwalk he tags Rikishi in. Rikishi fights everyone off. Corner clothesline on Benoit. Benoit takes the as yet unnamed stinkface. Malenko comes in and kicks Rikishi's bad leg. The Radicalz go to work on the hurt body part with lots of quick tags. Rikishi can't run on a whip, but he manages to hit a superkick and tag out. Scotty bulldog on Saturn. He goes for the worm but Malenko cuts it off. Benoit back suplex for 2. Snap suplex for 2. After a double team Malenko hits a double underhook suplex. Malenko backbreaker/Saturn HIGH elevation kneedrop off the top rope combo. Hurricanrana from Saturn. Benoit lays in some nice stiff chops. Scotty gets a counter roll up for 2 but is still caught in the wrong part of town. Saturn slingshot senton for 2. Malenko leg lariat and kneedrop. Benoit hits a short clothesline. After a counter sequence Benoit and Scotty knock heads. Malenko tags in. Scotty gets to Rikishi for a tag. Everyone in the pool! Rikishi squashes Benoit and Saturn in the corner. Rikishi Driver on Saturn. Sexay brings everything to a screeching halt, then calls Scotty in to hit the worm for a pop. Rikishi gets chop blocked again. Sexay goes up top, puts the goggles on, and hits the legdrop on Saturn. Benoit quickly breaks the pin up with his headbutt off the top. Scotty and Benoit fight and all four guys in the ring flop over the top rope and out. The other two, Malenko and Rikishi, get back in the ring. Malenko hurts his back trying to drag Rikishi across the ring. He works on the bad leg some more. Rikishi uses that to low blow Malenko, then post his shoulder. Rikishi Driver. Banzai Drop, done. Not sure that's how I'd treat the Radicalz right after hopping over. Benoit and Malenko looked as crisp as ever, but the match was pretty disjointed in places, especially down the stretch. The Radicalz' serious technical wrestling style clashed with Too Cool's big over the top spots based style at times. **1/2

Angle is still celebrating! He's out in the arena lobby now, and has both belts on.

To set up the next match- after the Rumble on weekly TV Big Show produced a video replay that showed pretty definitively that the Rock's feet hit the floor before Show's did at the end of the Rumble. With this evidence he's gotten a fresh shot at winning the Wrestlemania title shot back.
WWF Championship #1 Contender's Match: The Big Show def The Rock in 8:55- The weird thing about this match is Show had a 100% legitimate gripe about getting screwed out of a Rumble win by a bad call. Rock didn't even care, spending the whole feud mocking Show. And the crowd went with the Rock because he was the Rock. Total face/heel dynamic reversal. They go nose to nose before the bell. Rock slaps. Corner clothesline from Rock. Show blocks a Russian leg sweep. Rock hits the spinny DDT for 2. He cinches up for the Rock Bottom. Show elbows out, which sends Rock flying out to the floor. After a stair shot (NOISE!) it's crowd brawl time. At the end of it Show gets backdropped over the barricade to ringside. Show presses Rock and drops him on the barricade. Headbutt and elbow drop back in. Powerslam from Show for 2. They go to the floor again with Rock grabbing a bottle of water and spitting it in Show's face. Show hits chops on the floor. He lays in some kicks to Rock's gut back in the ring. Rock counters with an elbow and hits the Russian leg sweep for 2. Rock duck, kick and DDT for 2. Show side suplex for 2. He goes out and gets a chair. Rock ducks a chair swing. Whip reversal and down goes Hebner. Show hits a big boot. Goozle. Chokeslam! No ref. Tim White runs in. Hebner pulls him back out and they argue again! I guess that argument from earlier is paying off at least. Still kinda stupid though. "NO CHANCE! THAT'S WHAT YOU'VE GOT!" SHANE MCMAHON IS HERE! He hadn't been seen since Steph's heel turn and the formation of the McMahon-Helmsley regime. While Shane has everyone distracted Rock hits Show with the chair. Rock Bottom. People's, Shane cuts it off with the chair! He tells White to get in. Show covers, and gets the pin! Show wins the title shot at Wrestlemania, and now seems to be allied with Shane. Well, that's a turn of events. Think it's screwy now? It's only going to get crazier leading up to WM. *1/4

One last cut back to Angle, who's now singing "We are the champions" as he walks up to his rental car. Jericho and Chyna jump him! They stuff Angle in the trunk!
Career vs Title Hell in a Cell Match for the WWF Championship: Triple H (c) (w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley) def Cactus Jack in 24:01- There's a lot of layers going into this match. Mick Foley sees this as his last shot to accomplish his dream of main eventing Wrestlemania, and he's willing to put his career on the line to do it. Anticipation was also high after how violent (and great) their clash at the Rumble was, and considering what Foley did in a Cell match last time he was in one at King of the Ring '98. In fact, Foley's promised to jump off the top of the cage again (not sure how that would help him win). Triple H and Steph have promised he won't get the chance. HHH's leg is taped up I presume due to the puncture wound he suffered in the Rumble match. The cage lowers down after intros. Jack immediately goes out of the ring and checks the door. I think those twelve padlocked chains all around the door might keep him from opening it. Seems like overkill but I guess you can't be too careful. OSHA's probably watching. HHH charges on the floor and the brawl is on. In the ring Jack gets the initial edge. He hits a flying forearm, then goes right out to the door again. He tries to kick it open. HHH comes off the apron but Jack gives him a shot in the gut. HHH blocks attempted cage shots. Back in the ring HHH pounds Jack down in the corner. Facebuster. Jack backdrops HHH over the top to the floor, then gets a chair from under the ring. HHH cuts the chair shot off and Jack goes into the cage. A knee sends Jack flying off the apron back into the cage. Stair and post shots for Jack. HHH picks the stairs up and throws them right in Jack's face! That was no gentle throw either. He puts Jack under the stairs then hits them with the chair! More chairshots in the ring for 2. HHH DDT for 2. And 2. And 2. Jack wants another shot with the chair. HHH goes for it and Jack cuts him off. Chair up into HHH's crotch! Double underhook DDT on the chair! Slow cover for 2. Jack hits a Russian leg sweep onto the chair. He pounds HHH down in the corner to where he's sitting in the chair. Jack charges. HHH gets up and drop toe holds Jack into the chair! 360 clothesline. Jack goes into the cage again. HHH sets up a Pedigree on the stairs. Jack backdrops out and slingshots HHH into the cage! HHH is busted open. More cage shots and HHH gets the cheese grater face rake. Cactus elbow off the second rope WITH A CHAIR! Jack tries to throw the stairs. HHH dodges and the stairs open a hole in the cage! Jack's eyes light up. He charges, and dives through using his body to open it up more! Then he whips HHH through the opening and they're both out. Jack is bleeding like crazy on his arm. Looks like he caught it on the chain link fence going through the first time. They get up on the English announce table. Jack piledrives HHH on the table! And the table doesn't give an inch. Jack looks up. Oh shit. He starts climbing. Steph grabs his leg to bring him back down! Jack goes to the timekeeper's table, tears it apart, and gets a 2x4 with barbed wire on it! Same as the Rumble match. 2x4 shot to HHH's head! HHH escapes the only way he can, up the cage. Jack follows, bringing the 2x4 with him thanks to the convenient holder attached to it so he can hang it from his arm. That's forward planning that is. But he then makes the mistake of tossing it onto the roof before he's up there. HHH gets it and nails Jack with it! Jack's dangling on the upper section of the cage. HHH stomps his foot and Jack goes down through the Spanish announce table! Well, they had to. At least they tried to make it safer by shortening the fall. HHH poses on the roof. Jack's already back up! That wouldn't have even won a Last Man Standing match. He's bleeding from his forehead now along with the unintended gash on his arm. Jack gets another chair and tries to throw it on the top of the cage with no success. Finally he says the hell with it and goes up without it. When he gets up HHH gives him more 2x4 shots with the wire getting tangled up in Jack's clothes. Jack hits a low blow. Off a punch HHH takes a full bump on the roof. Another bump and a corner of the roof comes loose. Jack suplexes HHH on the roof! Double underhook DDT on the roof! Jack gets the 2x4 again. He sets the end of it on fire! We have a flaming barbed wire 2x4! He hits HHH with the "burning" part (not really). He sets the 2x4 down and it's still burning. He hooks up for a piledriver onto the fire. HHH backdrops out, and Jack GOES THROUGH THE ROOF, DOWN INTO THE RING AND SMASHES A HUGE HOLE INTO IT! "Holy shit" chant. Again, something I guess they had to do but at least they rigged the ring for a softer landing. HHH slowly climbs down. He looks as Jack in shock. Jack stirs. He's alive! HHH is livid. Jack crawls out of the hole. HHH punch. Jack won't stay down. Another punch. Pedigree! Jack. Is. Done. The career of Mick Foley is over, to say nothing of his dream to main event WM. Another amazing match from these two, this one only being a letdown in the sense it's not quite as good as their classic at the Rumble despite the added emotion. ****1/2

HHH leaves and Foley gets his sendoff from the crowd. He refuses medical help and leaves under his own power. As he's going we can see the multiple gashes on his arm from the chain link fence now most of the blood has been cleared off and they are nasty looking. Foley gives one last pose by the entrance and end show. This really was intended to be Foley's big sendoff retirement match, and it would have been perfect as that. Unfortunately, circumstances would dictate that he'd be pressed into action again soon. Very soon. In fact, his dream to main event WM might not quite be over....

OVERALL SHOW THOUGHTS- A good B PPV follow up to an excellent Royal Rumble and to lead into WM as 2000 continues to be off to a great start. Unfortunately however, there are some warning lights flashing when it comes to the WM main event.

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