Saturday, September 21, 2024

Uncensored '98

Legacy Review

Uncensored '98

March 15, 1998 from the Mobile Civic Center in Mobile, AL

Commentary: Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan and Mike Tenay

WCW World Television Championship: Booker T (c) def Eddie Guerrero (w/Chavo Guerrero Jr) in 11:08- Chavo is being forced to corner Eddie due to stipulations from events on Thunder (which means no one saw it). They're clearly not getting along during their entrance. Chavo reluctantly holds the ropes open, then Eddie leaps over them! Fantastic. Huge "Eddie sucks" chant at the bell and Eddie uses that to stall for a bit. After a few tries Eddie jumps Booker from behind. They have kind of a sloppy collision and Booker lays in some forearms. Backdrop and side suplex from Booker. Crazy Eddie sell on the last one. Clothesline that I'm not sure Eddie was expecting, then Booker clotheslines him 360 and out. Eddie stalls on the floor and barks at Chavo, who's parked it in a ringside chair instead of properly cornering his uncle. Eddie comes back in on his knees and offers a handshake. Booker takes it and gives Eddie a Greco Roman Hand Squeeze. Hook kick. Powerslam. Eddie runs away again. Booker chases and slams him in the aisle. Eddie tries to catch Booker coming off the ropes coming back in but Booker cuts him off with a back elbow. Press slam. Booker goes up top. Eddie dropkicks him and hits a superplex. Booker is quickly back up with forearms and a superkick. He goes for the scissors kick. Eddie rolls out of the way and hits a basement dropkick to Booker's knee! He stomps on the knee and starts to pick it apart. Eddie hooks the leg up and plays the rope leverage game with Nick Patrick. It goes on a bit too long before Patrick finally catches him. Corner reversal and Eddie hits a back elbow. Slingshot senton on the hurt knee for 2. Booker goes outside. Eddie almost slips off the ropes, recovers, and still comes off with a crossbody dive but clearly falls short. Saito suplex from Eddie back in for 2. Booker comes back with a flapjack into the spinaroonie. Scissors kick! Spinebuster from Booker. He goes up for the Harlem Hangover. Eddie gets on his feet. Booker switches gears and goes for a missile dropkick instead. Eddie dodges but Booker lands on his feet. Dodge in the corner from Eddie and Booker's wrapped up in the ropes. They both go up top. Booker fights Eddie off. Missile dropkick! That gets the pin! A few rough spots aside this was fine, though it felt more like a Nitro match than a PPV one and not nearly as good as it could have been, even this early in Booker's singles run. **1/2

Chavo tries to hide a smirk at Eddie losing. Eddie sees, gets pissed and they shove. Cooler heads prevail...until Chavo turns his back. Eddie jumps him from behind and knocks him around the aisle a bit.
Juventud Guerrera def Konnan in 10:21- Rare early show NWO match here. Juvy lost his mask to Chris Jericho at Superbrawl last month so this is his first maskless PPV match. Juvy jumps Konnan from behind before the bell with a heel kick, followed by some chops. Konnan dodges and hits a clothesline. Juvy walks up onto Konnan's shoulders, that goes nowhere so he gets back down, and hits a back elbow. A flying headscissors sends Konnan to the floor. Juvy teases a dive. Konnan pulls him down, drags him out and sends him into the stairs. He sets the stairs up but Juvy runs him into them. Juvy runs up the stairs with a flying kick. Springboard dropkick from Juvy back in for 2. Konnan blocks a tiltawhirl and drops Juvy on the top rope. He hooks on a reverse Indian death lock, then drags Juvy up and stretches him out in it. Big chop. HUGE Konnan release German suplex. He slingshots Juvy upside down into the corner and gives him a bit of bootwash. Konnan hooks on a Boston crab, grabs Juvy's arms and swings him back and forth, then drops Juvy right on his head. Full ugly neck scrunch there. Juvy has to roll out for a minute to recover and make sure everything still works. When he gets back in Konnan puts him in a fireman's carry and flips him over for 2. He puts Juvy up top and goes for a super German. Juvy flips over and Konnan gets stuck in the tree of woe. Kick from Juvy. Konnan does a super sloppy fall getting himself free. Speed run, Juvy tries to slide under but Konnan grabs him by the hair and hits a wheelbarrow German for 2. He lifts Juvy up for a powerbomb. Juvy counters into a DDT! He goes for the 450 splash. Konnan dodges but Juvy lands on his feet. Konnan wraps him up and hits the cradle DDT. Juvy kicks out! He counters a cover into a crucifix and pins Konnan! After the bell Konnan hits another cradle DDT and tosses Juvy out of the ring because his heat must remain intact, Konnan's a dick like that. It's a very low bar, but I've seen worse Konnan matches. *1/2

Mean Gene is with JJ Dillon. Dillon says the Giant has demanded Nash' jackknife powerbomb be reinstated tonight. After much consideration and consultation, Dillon has agreed but it will be for one night only.
WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Chris Jericho (c) def Dean Malenko in 14:42- At the start of this feud Jericho had the legendary "1004 holds" promo on Nitro, which wasn't appreciated as much at the time but is now looked back on as his first truly great career defining moment. He's got "1004" on the back of his tights tonight. Quick Malenko takedown into a facelock. Jericho tries to counter but Malenko is all over him. Again Malenko outmaneuvers Jericho into a wristlock. Jericho works into a hammerlock and shouts "This is number 643!". Another quick Malenko counter. Jericho works out of a hammerlock. Malenko hits a shoulderblock, turning things up a notch. Jericho has a hissy fit. Which hold number is that? They shove. Speed run, Malenko blocks a roll up, has a nice roll over, but Jericho cuts him off with an enzuguri. He goes for the springboard dropkick. Malenko dodges and Jericho goes to the floor. Jericho walks, going all the way up the aisle. Malenko stops the count and Jericho comes back. He walks right into Malenko chops and forearms. Jericho catches Malenko leapfrogging and hits a spinebuster! Then does a crazy mocking strut. Arrogant cover! Delayed suplex from Jericho for 2. He gives Malenko some mocking kicks. He tries a double chinlock for a bit. Snap suplex. Lionsault! Malenko gets a foot on the rope. Jericho backbreaker with a stretch. Malenko still won't give up and Jericho gets frustrated. He hits some chops. Malenko fires back. Back suplex for 2. Jericho hits a quick senton for 2. He wraps Malenko up in the corner and dropkicks him. While Malenko is down in the corner Jericho slaps him. That only wakes Malenko up. Off a whip Malenko dodges in the corner. Jericho flips over. Blocked suplex. Jericho flips out again and reverse suplexes Malenko. He goes for the Liontamer but Malenko immediately wraps himself up on the bottom rope. Malenko blocks a German into a cradle for 2. Backslide for 2. Jericho gets Malenko on the apron, then goes again for the springboard dropkick, but this time as he's bouncing off the ropes he punches Malenko off the apron! Nicely done. They maneuver up top. Jericho goes for a back superplex. Malenko rolls over onto him and covers for a long 2. Jericho flips out of an apron suplex. Another Liontamer attempt. Malenko fights before it's put on and gets to the ropes again. Again they both go up top. Malenko hits the super gutbuster! Slow cover and Jericho kicks out! Jericho blocks a leg lariat. The Liontamer is on! Malenko crawls over, but *just* before he can grab a rope Jericho pulls him back to the middle! He gets the Liontamer fully on! Malenko has to tap out. Good stuff with lots of great counter work, but still slightly below expectations. There were several dull stretches the first half of the match. ***1/2

Mean Gene crosses Jericho in the aisle. Jericho stops to talk but Okerlund walks right by him, blowing him off. He gets in the ring with Malenko, who's very clearly furious at himself. Okerlund lays it on thick, saying Malenko was the favorite and should have won this match. Malenko is showing more emotion than he ever has. Okerlund points out Malenko has now lost four straight PPV matches and straight up says he's a "bonafide loser". "Where does Dean Malenko go from here?". Malenko simply says "Home" and walks out to the confusion of Okerlund and commentary.
"The Total Package" Lex Luger def Scott Steiner in 3:53- Scott pulled off one of the better heel turns of the time at Superbrawl, turning on his brother Rick to join the NWO. I think it would have worked better without the NWO part and him flying completely solo, but it's late '90s WCW, every heel that wasn't a cruiserweight had to be in the NWO. Hogan doesn't let cruiserweights in the clubhouse. Scott's already got his Big Poppa Pump blonde hair and signature goatee coloring on. Luger takes FOREVER high fiving everyone on his entrance. Cool for the fans there but save it for the house shows. When he finally gets in Steiner jumps him before he's through the ropes. Belly to belly powerslam. Chokes and Steiner soaks up the boos. He tosses Luger out and we get the mandatory guardrail shot. Luger blocks an apron suplex and suplexes Steiner out to the floor. Whip and Steiner flips over the guardrail into the first row. Inverted atomic drop from Luger back in. Powerslam. He calls for the Torture Rack. Steiner grabs the ropes to block it and low blows Luger. Steiner Recliner! More than half of Luger is under the ropes or flat out of the ring but Nick Patrick still tries to get a submission out of him. Terrible officiating. Almost NBA referee level. When Luger refuses to give up Steiner goes out and gets a chair. Rick's here! Luger hits the distracted Scott from behind with the Forearm that Used to Be Loaded and gets the pin. While that was happening Scott Norton ran out and attacked Rick. Scott goes after Luger with the chair. Luger escapes. Apparently so did Rick off camera because he and Scott stare down in the ring. Scott charges and Rick backdrops him over the top to the floor. Having Scott lose right after his big turn is moronic booking, I don't care what they were planning for. 1/2*
Triangle Match for the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship: Diamond Dallas Page (c) def Raven and Chris Benoit in 17:09- Benoit and Raven had a great match at Souled Out, then Benoit and DDP had a fantastic match at Superbrawl, so we're throwing all three together and seeing if more magic can happen. In addition to regular triple threat rules this is also falls count anywhere. Yup, still taped up ribs for DDP. Three way lockup! I love it. Everyone gets a punch in and reset. Back to the triple lockup and everyone tumbles out of the ring while still being hooked up. DDP takes a stairs shot. Benoit clothesline on Raven for 2. Back elbow for 2. Benoit stomps Raven down while Raven's in promo position. DDP gets back in. He goes to suplex Benoit but drops him on the top rope instead. They go speed. Raven grabs DDP's boot from the floor. Benoit baseball slides Raven. DDP plancha onto both guys! DDP and Benoit get shots in on Raven. Benoit splash off the top rope on Raven. DDP/Benoit slugfest that goes to the floor. Raven flies over the top rope and crashes into both of them. He covers Benoit for 2, then DDP. All three guys do a knockaround with more covers and saves around the ringside area, then slowly work up the aisle. Benoit low blows DDP up close to the ramp and stage. Raven comes in with a trash can and hits Benoit with it. DDP puts the can on Raven. He and Benoit get crutches from somewhere and hit the can with them. Who has spare crutches lying around? More fighting over covers. Benoit gives DDP a crutch shot. And a can shot. Snap suplex on the ramp. Raven and Benoit decide to team up. They put DDP through the light boxes that make up one of the Uncensored stage signs! Again! It's a piece by piece sign demolition. Benoit hits Raven with....THE KITCHEN SINK! Yes! Always a favorite. I don't give a damn about the lack of logic of a sink being there, the "everything but the kitchen sink" gag always wins for me. They brawl over toward the commentary area. Raven drops a table on Benoit! He chokes Benoit with one of those velvet crowd ropes. Table set up. Benoit reverses the whip and Raven goes through the table! Not the best break or crowd reaction for that. Now Benoit does some rope choking. Yeah, my mind can't help but wander THERE when I see that. Anyway, the two of them head back to the ring while DDP's corpse is still in the light boxes. Raven hits a low blow in the ring and sets a chair up. Another whip reversal and Benoit drop toe holds Raven into the chair. Raven really should stop setting these things up, it never goes well for him. Benoit wedges the chair in the corner. We get a shot of DDP almost by his fingernails slowly crawling down the aisle back to the ring. Almost like the Doctor in Heaven Sent. Raven gets whipped into the chair and crashes hard out of the ring. DDP is still crawling. Benoit covers but Raven gets a foot on the rope. Should that be allowed in a match like this? One of Raven's eyes is swelling up from something earlier. Benoit hooks on a sleeper. DDP is back and he puts a sleeper on Benoit! Raven jawbreakers out and all three guys are down. Benoit cranks up the ROOOOOOLLING GERMANS on Raven. DDP stops it at two and Germans both Benoit and Raven! Benoit and Raven both punch DDP and again appear to have an agreement. Raven goes out and gets the giant "USE MY SIGN" sign from the Flock that's been visible all night. He nails DDP with it! That seemed way more solid than posterboard. Raven tears the sign off and there's a giant stop sign inside it! Another table gets set up in the ring. Raven sets DDP on it. As he does Benoit whacks him with the stop sign! Benoit sets Raven on the top rope. DDP shoves Benoit off. He goes up top. Superplex? No, he changes positions......SUPER DIAMOND CUTTER INTO THE TABLE! AND THE TABLE DOESN'T BREAK! It just falls over and Raven hit it straight ribs into corner! That HAD to have hurt. DDP falls on top of Raven and gets the pin! Hammer drags Raven out. Benoit is annoyed, but he helps DDP up, gives a little respect nod and leaves. This is the kind of match WWF normally excelled at in this period more than WCW, but this turned out pretty freaking awesome as these three continue to work together superbly. ****
The Giant def Kevin Nash by DQ in 6:36- To recap this feud so far: Nash was scheduled to lose to Giant in the #2 match at Starrcade, came over with an extreme case of jobophobia on the day and no-showed to not have to do it, then when they finally did have a match at Souled Out, naturally with the result changed, Nash dropped Giant on his head with a bad jackknife, injuring him and almost much worse. That led to the jackknife being (story only) banned before it was lifted earlier tonight "for one night only". Those are the kinds of antics that would normally get guys that weren't backstage politics savants into trouble. Giant comes out with a neck brace on. They stare down and both pose for the crowd after the bell before locking up. Nash escapes the corner and works Giant into a hammerlock. Giant turns and clotheslines his head off. Big elbow drop. Nash dodges a second one but Giant no sells. He 360 clotheslines Nash out. Tony mentions that as of a few weeks ago the over the top DQ rule is no more. Thank God. Even going back to the NWA days they never used that except when they needed to have a screwy finish in a title match. The worst rule in the history of wrestling. Giant takes a post shot and Nash goes into slow beatdown mode on his hurt neck with his usual goofy taunting. Corner boot choke. Nash hooks on a sleeper. Giant elbows out but Nash nails him in the neck again. Off comes the neck brace. Nash charges but Giant gets a boot up into his crotch/gut borderline. Size of Giant's shoe it could get both easily. Nash is still up first. Giant no sells a headbutt and hits his own, then some clotheslines. The strap is down and he calls for the chokeslam, but changes his mind and hooks up for a powerbomb. Brian Adams (former Crush), who had just debuted for WCW and joined the NWO, runs in and hits Giant with a bat for the cheap DQ. More NWO B team goons then run in. Giant has chokeslams for everyone and breaks the bat over his knee. Nash hits him with a bat remnant. Giant hulks up and the NWO guys bail. Remember all that hype about the jackknife being reinstated? Never even came close to hitting one. 1/4*
Bret "Hitman" Hart def Curt Hennig (w/Rick Rude) in 13:51- After Bret was inexplicably left off the last PPV (not even a *mention* on TV) at least they're getting him back in with another familiar opponent after having a good match with Ric Flair at Souled Out. Bret and Hennig, as Mr. Perfect, had two absolute barnburners in WWF: for the Intercontinental title at Summerslam '91, possibly my favorite Summerslam match ever, then in the King of the Ring tournament at KOTR '93. Of course the downside is unlike Flair Hennig is physically a shell of his former self at this point. Hennig's wearing the same gear as the Summerslam match, a nice touch. Also still really cool to see him and Rude paired up given their Heenan Family history. For his entrance Bret has on a jersey of the Calgary Hitmen hockey team he was co-owner of. After the bell Hennig hops out to confer with Rude. He goes to jump Bret from behind but then stops and says "I could have had you". Lockup stalemates. Bret works a headlock and Hennig hair pulls. Hennig tries to do a crazy flip sell off a Bret shoulderblock but just doesn't have it in him anymore. Hennig gets a few shots in but Bret goes back to the headlock. More hair pulls from Hennig. Speed run, Bret blocks a hiptoss and goes for his own. Hennig horribly muffs it and slides out pissed, possibly legit pissed. Rude calms him down. Rude grabs Bret's boot and Hennig hits him. Bret blocks a turnbuckle shot and gives it to Hennig. Hennig flips out of an apron suplex. Bret blocks a roll up. Sharpshooter! Rude comes in and punches Bret supposedly out of the ref's view to break it up. The ref asks Rude and he denies everything, Baldrick. Hennig attacks Bret's knee and starts to work it over. Rude also gets a couple of shots in when he can. Hennig tosses Bret across the ring by his hair. He slaps on a figure four, with added assistance from Rude. It goes on to the point you're wondering why it's still going when the ref *finally* notices Rude helping and breaks it up. Bret tries to punch back and Hennig low blows him. Another comeback is cut off with a kick to the bad knee. Hennig puts on a classic stepover toe hold. Legdrop to the gut. Hennig goes up top. Bret catches and crotches him. He kicks Hennig's leg out of his leg with Hennig needing the help of the ropes to get anywhere close to one of his classic 360 sells. Bret returns the hair toss and goes into FMOD mode. Perfect reverses a corner whip and we have a Bret bump. He hooks up for the Perfectplex. And hits it! Bret kicks out! Rude gets on the apron. Bret runs Hennig into him and rolls Hennig up. Hennig reverses it and grabs a handful of tights for 2. Sunset flip from Hennig. Bret rolls through it. The Sharpshooter is on again! Hennig taps out literally one second before Rude attacks Bret. Once again we have a postmatch beatdown tonight. Rude actually hits the Rude Awakening, the first time he'd done anything truly physical since his injury I think. Perfect works Bret over with a chair, the heels pose and they leave. Definitely a disappointing match, but given Hennig's physical and Bret's mental states it really shouldn't be too much of a surprise. They also tried to overcompensate with a ton of Rude interference which, as much as I'd love to see Rude properly in the ring again, didn't help any. **1/4
WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Sting (c) def Scott Hall (w/Dusty Rhodes) in 8:28- Now the World title situation has finally been settled Hall is getting the title shot he earned by winning the World War 3 battle royale. I appreciate WCW following through on that instead of sweeping it under the carpet and pretending it never happened like they would normally do. Hall grabs the belt from the ref and he and Sting have a small tug of war with it before Sting lays in some shots. Hall instantly starts doing his goofy ass selling. Reset with Hall cranking Sting's arm. Sting clotheslines out. Hall wants a test of strength, then eye pokes Sting. Hip toss blocks and Hall hits a chokeslam, He mocks Giant and doesn't see Sting pop back up. Faceplant. More ridiculous Hall selling. Sting dropkick and Hall flops out to the floor. He has a talk with Dusty. They hit the ropes and Dusty trips Sting. Hall clothesline. He seems to go for a leverage pin but can't find the ropes with his feet and gives up on it. Discus punch. Corner clothesline. Fallaway slam for 2. He slaps Sting around. Sting slugs back so Hall eye pokes him. Midring collision and Sting does his "accidental" crotch headbutt fall. Dusty gets on the apron and sneaks into the ring while Hall pulls the ref away. He drops an elbow on Sting and Hall covers for 2. Sting hulks up off Hall punches. Inverted atomic drop. Stinger Splash to Hall's back. Clothesline. He goes for the Scorpion Death Lock. Dusty gets on the apron and Sting takes him out. Corner whip reversals and down goes the ref. Dusty tosses Hall knucks and he waffles Sting with them. Cover. Sting kicks out! Hall goes for the Razor's Edge. Sting escapes. Scorpion Death Drop! It's over. Bleh. *1/4
Steel Cage Match: Hollywood Hogan and "Macho Man" Randy Savage (w/Elizabeth) no contest in 16:21- Naturally Hogan main events over the World title. This is the first ever NWO vs NWO match, the culmination of months of Savage causing friction within the group and even teasing allying with Sting. Of note here is Charles "Lil' Naitch" Robinson reffing his first PPV main event. It'll be far from the last. Hell, it's the fall of 2024 as I write this and he still is. I don't know if the stars on Savage's tights are a deliberate callback or not but I like them. Lockup while the lights try to decide if they're going to be off or on and we quickly go into normal Hogan beatdown mode. He uses his shirt to choke Savage. Back rakes! Big boot for 2. Corner clothesline. Savage blocks a cage shot but it's still all Hogan. The crowd is pretty pro-Savage, but I think that's because they hate Hogan more than anything else. Slam. Savage dodges elbow drops and finally starts getting some offense in. Hogan blocks a cage shot, eye rakes Savage, takes his weightlifting belt off and starts whipping Savage with it. Chops. Another slam. Savage dodges the legdrop. Now Savage gets some belt whips in. Cover for 2. Big belt shot with a huge pop. Hogan takes a couple of cage shots and Savage covers for 2. Hogan is busted open. Savage targets the cut. Running elbows to Hogan's head. Hogan backdrops Savage into the cage! Savage was flying into that. Hogan goes back to the belt whips. Back suplex for 2. Savage has scrapes on his side from where he hit the cage. Hogan puts Savage on his shoulder and runs him into the cage. Now Savage is bleeding and it's gushing pretty good. Or "injured" as Tony keeps putting it because Turner was so anti-blood. At least he doesn't have to call it international blood. The Hogan beatdown continues with Savage flopping all over the place. Hogan takes Savage to the door and tells the ref to open it. And the ref does? Hogan drags Savage out, gives him a couple of shots, then the ref says get back in the cage and they do, and then the door is locked again. What the hell was the point of that? Hogan takes another cage shot and both guys are down. Savage pops back up. He climbs all the way to the top of the cage. Double ax handle off the cage! Nailed it too, right on target. Cover for 2. Someone in the truck clearly said to go to a wide shot because of the blood because we're watching from somewhere in the middle of the lower deck now. Setup slam and Savage climbs up again, looking for the elbow. Hogan's new buddy that will soon be named the Disciple (Brutus Beefcake with a huge beard to cover his identity because lord knows he's never had a name or gimmick change before) runs in, takes the outside ref out, gets the key to unlock the door and gets in the cage. He takes Lil' Naitch out, then gets between Savage and Hogan and dares Savage to jump. Savage climbs back down. Everyone stares down. Sting comes down from the rafters! Man they got him up there quick. He gets on Savage's side and again everyone stares down. The refs leave so I guess the match is over. Who knows. Savage takes Sting out! So much for that. Piledriver on Sting. But then Savage spits at Hogan and leaves. Savage: "I don't like you, never will!". Hogan responds that Savage works for him and he's NWO whether he likes it or not. And, just like that, "we're outta time" and end show. Well. The match itself actually wasn't terrible. Savage was dipping into everything he had left in the tank to try to make it halfway decent. But you gotta knock a ton off of it for that atrocious non-ending. 1/2*

OVERALL SHOW THOUGHTS- A pretty typical B PPV with a couple of worthwhile matches and a ton of NWO crap. Almost every match having some kind of postmatch beatdown grated after a while too. It's very clear that Bret's WCW run is already in trouble, and Sting's title reign is pretty much DOA as the NWO will continue to be the center of WCW's universe.

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