Friday, December 6, 2024

Road Wild '98

Legacy Review

Road Wild '98

August 8, 1998 from the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, SD

Commentary: Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan and Mike Tenay

For the third straight year WCW presents a PPV from the world's largest motorcycle rally. That means, once again, a crowd full of barely interested spectators sitting on their bikes and no ticket gate at all but Bischoff got to hang out with his biker friends so I guess it was worth it. WCW's Summer of the Ringers is also continuing with one of the most absurd people to ever grace a wrestling ring in a match on a major show.

They've got more of a stage this year at least. It's clearly a converted concert stage (Travis Tritt concert after the show) but still. The rampway that looks like a highway is cool I'll admit. Mean Gene has apparently gone bike curious. That's a South Park reference if you care to look it up. I think they've learned some lessons from previous Sturgis trips and have put up larger temporary grandstands for presumably non-biker fans, also presumably who also might have actually paid for a ticket.

Meng def The Barbarian (w/Jimmy Hart) in 4:48- The Faces of Fear explode! OK, show of hands, who knew the FOF were even still on the WCW roster at this point? Put your hands down, you're lying. Barbarian jumps Meng as he's getting in the ring and here we go with some Tongan on Tongan violence. Big leverage fight in the middle of the ring, almost sumo like. Both guys hit chops. Corner clothesline from Meng. Barbarian hits a belly to belly suplex. Meng backdrops out of a piledriver attempt. Meng goes for his own piledriver and hits it. Barbarian dodges a headbutt off the top. It has zero effect on Meng and he hits a superkick. The hard Tongan head strikes again. Both guys go up top and Barbarian hits a belly to belly suplex with Meng visibly doing half the setup. Powerslam from Meng for 2. Hart gets on the apron and Barbarian attacks from behind. Another chop exchange. They start headbutting like a couple of drunk Klingons right before closing time at Quark's. Snap mare from Barbarian and he drags Meng to the apron reason at all. So much for that. Finally he gets Meng out and gives him a stair shot. Backdrop from Barbarian back in. Meng pops up and hooks on the Tongan Death Grip! Barbarian goes down and Meng gets the pin. What a mess. The only thing this match could have had going for it would be pure stiffness, and we didn't get much of that at all. Plus for two guys that had been working together for years they looked half lost multiple times during the match, especially on whip spots. 1/2*
Hart attacks Meng after the bell! Someone wants to die. Watching Hart wail away on Meng is hilarious. Hugh Morris comes out to save Hart and/or attack Meng. Two and a quarter on one beatdown on Meng. HART HITS A SPLASH OFF THE TOP ROPE! Holy shit that alone is almost worth the price of the PPV. Meng realizes he just took a move from Jimmy freaking Hart and goes nuts. The others beat him back down. Now Morris goes up and hits his moonsault. Hacksaw Jim Duggan runs in and fights the heels off with his 2x4. Hands up anyone that knew Duggan was still on the WCW roster at this point. OK, I'll give you that one.

Public Enemy def The Dancing Fools (w/Tokyo Magnum) in 15:27- There's a big edit on the Peacock copy of the show cutting out the entrances, likely for music rights reasons. Or because being forced to watch Disco and Wright dancing at the same time is a violation of the Geneva Conventions. Disco does have a funny line looking down at the crowd before the match, "Are there no showers in Sturgis?". Tokyo Magnum, later to be known as Magnum Tokyo, mostly worked for lower to mid level Japanese indies in his career, the most prominent being Dragon Gate and Michinoku Pro. This is toward the start of his career and I'd assume he's on an international excursion of some sort. Wright and Rock start. Lots of caution and Wright does a roll away from a lockup and thinks he's some kind of genius. Lockup and Wright hits a chop as the crowd chants "Disco sucks". Wright hits an armdrag and dances. Arm wringer exchange. Wright does a multiple kip up escape, goes up for a springboard armdrag, and hits a dropkick. Tag to Disco. More dancing to sucker Rock in. Disco dodges and rolls him up for two, then escapes to the floor. Grunge tags in and pounds away on Disco. Clothesline from Disco. Wright hits a missile dropkick for 2. He dodges both PE guys and dances again. Rock clotheslines him from the apron. Disco comes in and gets double flapjacked. Magnum hands Wright a trash can and he wails on Grunge with it. I guess we're no DQ now. Rock went all the way up the stage while that was going on and now comes back with a ladder. Commentary openly wonders if this is no DQ now. Rock takes the heels out with the ladder. On a wide shot while they recover on the floor we see that a table has also been set up ringside. Disco and Wright go all the way to the stage and return with their own table. Why wasn't any of this stashed closer to ringside? Disco takes a mic and asks if they want to make it a street fight. Isn't is already? We get the official announcement confirming it. PE leave again and come back with some more toys: a toilet seat, a cookie sheet, and my favorite, the kitchen sink. Weapon shots all around for everyone. Heenan: "Looks like a riot at a Waffle House!". Disco gets hit with a mailbox. Wright takes a cookie sheet shot. Rock gets suplexed onto a trash can. Grunge rings Wright's bell with a double cookie sheet shot, then sets him up on the table on the floor. Rock goes to dive but Disco trips him, then goes nuts with cookie sheet shots on both PE. Wright gets the sink and hits Grunge with it, then lays in some European uppercuts. Rock throws Magnum into the ring but he quickly slips back out. Rock takes out one of Disco's ankles with a toilet seat shot. PE do some double teams but Wright cuts it off with a leg lariat. Magnum comes back in and gets some shots in, until he accidentally hits Wright. Wright loses his German temper at that. Disco takes a ladder shot on the floor. Wright walks right out of the match and is probably off to invade Poland, that's what Germans do when they get angry. Magnum also walks out. The PE set up some more tables all over the place. Disco has to lay in the ring forever while they're doing that. Finally PE get a full triple table stack set up on the ground. Rock climbs up the lighting scaffolding while Grunge puts Disco on the top of the stack. Elbow drop and Disco goes through all three tables! Magnum comes back and tries to break up the pin with a crossbody off the top, fails miserably, and the PE get the pin to win. That went twice as long as in needed to. Why not make it a street fight match from the start, and even after that the match bogged down multiple times. Cool finish though even if the setup took forever. *3/4
Raven's Rules Triangle Match: Saturn def Kanyon and Raven (w/Lodi) in 12:26- This is also falls count anywhere, which is an inconsistent component of Raven's Rules. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not. Both Saturn and Kanyon have had their issues with Raven and the Flock so we're throwing them all together here. Raven's been claiming Kanyon is now on his side, which would be ridiculous considering how Kanyon got his start with his current character by mercilessly attacking the whole Flock. Raven orders Kanyon to "get him" but Saturn gets Kanyon instead. Raven stands on the apron like it's a tag match. Kanyon hits a swinging neckbreaker. Raven comes in with a chair, hits Saturn with it, then tosses it to Kanyon to use. Kanyon doesn't so Saturn takes the opening. Raven then runs Kanyon into the stairs to I guess that's over. Kanyon slugs on Saturn on the floor before Raven knocks him off the platform to the ground. Raven's strategy is definitely let Kanyon and Saturn go at it then come in and clean up after. After some more back and forth slugging in the ring both guys realize this, turn to Raven, and attack. Double team neckbreaker on Raven. Kanyon covers but Saturn pulls him off. Double team high/low kicks. Kanyon hits a rolling trio of Russian leg sweeps. One ran into Saturn but Saturn isn't bothered. Saturn hits a legdrop off the top rope. Now Kanyon breaks the pin up. There's no title involved here but both guys still want to be the one to pin Raven. Swinging Perfectplex from Kanyon and Saturn breaks it up. Here goes the Saturn/Kanyon slugfest again. Raven hits them both with a chair in one swing! Saturn pulls Raven out to the floor. Kanyon with a plancha onto both guys! The fight goes to the road. The ramp painted like a road at least. Raven gets whipped into the guardrail. Saturn chases Raven all the way up to the stage area. Raven suplexes Kanyon on the ramp. Saturn hits some sloppy shots on the stage and covers Raven for 2. Kanyon gives Saturn a piledriver on the stage! Raven breaks the pin up. Raven dropkicks Kanyon and he rolls down the ramp! Saturn does a really weak dive down onto both of them. Think he was planning something bigger and changed his mind right before launching. They brawl back toward the ring. Speed run in the ring and Saturn exploder suplexes Raven for 2. Saturn hooks a sleeper on Raven. Here comes Kanyon with a sleeper on the sleeper. Raven quickly jawbreakers out. Kanyon sets Saturn up for a superplex. Raven comes up to lift Kanyon to give it some extra oomph and it hits. Raven goes for a double Evenflow. Saturn goes down but Kanyon grabs the ropes to block it, then pulls Raven out to the floor. Suplex from Kanyon on Raven on the floor. Kanyon climbs up the scaffolding. That might have more impact if we hadn't seen that just the last match. He goes for a big splash but Lodi pulls Raven to safety and Kanyon splats. Saturn DVD on Raven in the ring! Lodi breaks the pin up and takes a belly to belly suplex. Now Horace Boulder is in the ring with the stop sign. Lodi throws powder which goes into Boulder's face and Boulder hits Lodi with the stop sign. Then he hits Raven with it! Yet another PPV where the Flock guys look like a bunch of useless goofs that can never do anything right. Another Saturn DVD on Raven and that gets the pin. OKish spotfest with a very muddled story and once again anyone in the Flock not named Raven looking like nothing more than comedy jobbers. **1/4
WCW Cruiserweight Championship #1 Contender's Match: Rey Mysterio Jr def Psychosis in 13:38- Mysterio defeated Chris Jericho to win the Cruiserweight title in his surprise return from injury at Bash at the Beach, but the next night on Nitro the decision was overturned due to Dean Malenko's "interference" (he never got near the ring, just walked out and distracted Jericho). Jericho was handed the belt back and the change was erased from the history books. This is, unless I'm remembering wrong, face vs face. Cautious lockup and clean corner break. Drop toe hold into a chinlock from Psychosis. Armdrag into an ARMBAR. Long bit of arm work before Mysterio finally flips to escape. A shotgun dropkick sends Psychosis to the floor. They go into a bit of knucklelock maneuvering and leverage fight. Mysterio flips up onto Psychosis' shoulders and does a victory roll for 2. Chops from Mysterio. Both guys dodge and Psychosis hits a clothesline for 2. Falcon arrow from Psychosis for 2. Psychosis is heeling it up quite a bit so there might have been a turn in there I forgot about. Bret bump from Mysterio and Psychosis whips him around the corners. Big faceplant and more playing to the crowd. Suplex from Psychosis. He comes off the top into Mysterio's waiting boots. Down the corner buckle shots from Mysterio. 619 spin, cartwheel, and he leaps on Psychosis' shoulders for a hurricanrana. Psychosis rolls to the floor and instead of following up Mysterio decides to play to the crowd. Crossbody off the top from Mysterio for 2. Psychosis hits a powerbomb. Slow cover for 2. Psychosis hooks on a Nerve Hold of Double Fisting +1. Mysterio fights up so Psychosis lifts him up into an electric chair, wraps Mysterio's arms up and drops him for 2. Running dropkick on the floor from Psychosis. Single leg crab back in but Psychosis quickly lets go for little reason. Hurricanrana off the top for 2. Psychosis finally goes for Mysterio's bad knee, then immediately forgets about it again. Mysterio pops up and dropkicks him off the top to the floor! Running springboard senton to the floor. Springboard sunset flip back in for 2. Funky armbar slam from Mysterio. Split legged moonsault for 2. Counter spinebuster from Psychosis for 2. Mysterio dodges and Psychosis flies into the ropes. Springboard hurricanrana with a cradle that Psychosis doesn't roll over on, just goes face first into the mat, and Mysterio gets the pin. OK but no more. Mysterio still doesn't look close to his pre-injury form, the knee clearly still isn't 100% yet. He always hated working the Sturgis shows too. **1/2
Alleged WCW World Television Championship: Stevie Ray (alleged power of attorney holder) def Chavo Guerrero Jr in 2:38- Booker T is still the official TV champ, but has been away injured since Bret Hart's post-match attack on him at Bash at the Beach. Ray, who looked none to pleased with his brother after that attack, has since been toting around a piece of paper claiming that Booker gave him "power of attorney" to defend the TV title while he's gone. Commentary is very dubious if it's legit or not. I would also have some serious legal questions even if it was. Chavo is fully into his nutso phase now. He comes in riding a horse on a stick named "Pepe", and also talks to it. It's like a bunch of Turner executive suits watched what Al Snow was doing with Head and came up with the lamest possible way to riff off that. Chavo's also got a self-written contract that's been "notarized" by a hole punch that says he's the real TV champ. Ray does have the belt at least, but all you have to do is look at the plethora of "stolen belt" angles WCW has done the past year and a half to know how little that means. Don't forget these two had a pointless match the last PPV where Chavo submitted to a handshake. Chavo stays on the mic, stalls like hell, and demands a ceremonial handshake before the match starts. Ray remembers last time and avoids it at all cost. Chavo forgets about it and hits a basement dropkick followed by a European uppercut. Ray no sells it all. Chavo dodges around while Ray tries to corner him. Ray gets a hold of him and lays some shots in. Chavo sunset flip. Ray pulls him back up into a choke. Eye poke from Chavo to get free. More Ray no selling of punches. Chavo runs again leading to more chasing around. Ray finally corners Chavo again. One kick, slapjack, done. Totally pointless and stupid. DUD

Ray gets a mic, says he's not done and someone try to stop him. Eddie Guerrero runs in to save his nephew! He says he's got no beef with Ray and Ray leaves. Eddie tries to help but Chavo blows him off. I really like this dynamic, how Eddie drove Chavo literally insane by trying to control his whole life and career, and now he feels guilty about what he's done and is legitimately trying to help but Chavo doesn't want any of it.

Next up is supposed to be the long awaited long delayed Scott vs Rick Steiner brother vs brother grudge match finally happening. After Rick's entrance JJ Dillon stops everything and says there's no way this match can take place tonight. Rick attacked Scott with a chair recently and per Dillon the doctors say Scott will be out for the next two weeks. Buff Bagwell rolls Scott out on a stretcher on the stage! Scott has a wrapped up leg, a neck brace on, and is wearing an oxygen mask. Bagwell also has a sympy neck brace on. Bagwell says he wants Rick to see what he's done to his brother. He asks Scott if he's OK and Scott mumbles through the oxygen mask. Most coherent promo he's ever had. The crowd chants "bullshit". "This match isn't taking place tonight! Right Scotty?". More mumbling. It is a bit amusing. Dillon says the match can be rescheduled, and it will take place next month at Fall Brawl. Boos from the crowd and more "bullshit". Bagwell tries to argue two weeks isn't really two weeks. Dillon says that if Scott doesn't make the match at Fall Brawl he'll be BANNED FOR LIFE! Scott pops up off of the stretcher! It's a Rusev Day miracle! He and Bagwell run off while Rick chases.
Steve "Mongo" McMichael def Brian Adams (w/Vincent) in 6:32- Yay. Mongo's back. Never mind that shit etc. He'd been out since February with a broken arm. He actually came back in June but this is his first PPV match since. The good news is Mongo will never be pushed like he was pre-injury again. This is our first NWO match of the night, Adams is in NWO Hollywood. Commentary mentions Mongo is trying to get the Four Horsemen band back together. I'm not one to criticize such things but to my eyes Mongo looks pudgier than I remember him being before getting hurt. Rough lockup. Mongo breaks clean because he's a good guy now. I know because he said so. Adams also breaks clean. He offers a knucklelock to get a kick in. They then do one of the worst sequences I've ever seen in a wrestling ring, where Mongo kind of ducks or blocks a clothesline, softly hits the ropes, coming back he and Adams have no idea what they're doing so Mongo grabs at him and gently brings him down with about the worst DDT ever. Elbow drop and Adams rolls out to try to come to grips with the fact he was involved in that mess. Another lockup back in. Clubbing blows from Mongo. Adams dodges a kick in the corner and slams him. Legdrop. He takes forever circling around then hits another one for 2. Adams hooks on the dreaded Nerve Pinch of Time Killing +3. Mongo gets up and Adams 360 clotheslines him to the floor. Vincent gets his shots in on the floor. Mongo shrugs it all off but Adams jumps from behind. Backbreaker back in. Adams comes off the second rope with a kneedrop attempt. Mongo initially puts his boot up, then decides to straight dodge it instead. Sort of side suplex from Mongo. 3 point stance tackle. Again. Adams gets whipped into the ropes and on the comeback they have another awful collision where neither one seemed to be sure of what they were doing. Adams hooks up for a piledriver. Mongo wildly swings his legs out, his foot barely brushes the ref's chest, and the ref goes down in a heap! What the hell, I'm laughing this is so horrible. Vincent comes in with a chair. Guess who gets it? Not Mongo. Mongo Spike tombstone and it's mercifully over. I never would have thought it was possible but somehow.....someway.....Mongo actually got WORSE than he was before his injury. MINUS FIVE STARS

Listening to Heenan trying to get through the replays I'm pretty certain he's fershnickered again. Hit one too many biker bars. Mean Gene is surrounded by women but all he cares about is his bike. Think he's more than bike curious now.
WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Juventud Guerrera def Chris Jericho (c) in 16:24- Longtime Jericho rival Dean Malenko is the special guest ref for this match. I have a hard time seeing how he'd be impartial. I think Jericho would have a legit case there. Jericho comes out in a kimono. That's an interesting choice. Guess the bikers are supposed to hate it or something. Jericho takes a mic and says he was riding down the streets of Sturgis in his smoking HONDA. OK, that's funny. He runs the bikers down and they rev their engines at him. I'm half surprised he doesn't try to wrestle in the kimono. Lockup and Jericho clean breaks to mess with Malenko. Another corner break and Malenko steps in front of Jericho to keep him from doing anything. Juvy takes the opening to hit a shot and get a drop toe hold. Dropkick and some chops. Jericho hits a jumping back kick. Lots of closed fists from Jericho that Malenko tries to stop. Juvy falls out of the ring. While the camera's on him Malenko pulls Jericho down by the hair for not listening to him. Juvy tries a dive in the corner but Jericho dodges. Jericho backdrops Juvy over the top rope but Juvy lands on the apron and pulls him down. Shotgun dropkick off the top from Juvy and Jericho powders. Slide under and Juvy pulls Jericho onto the apron. Chops send Jericho off the platform into the guardrail. Juvy dive off the top rope all the way to the ground! He tweaked his knee on the landing but stays on Jericho. Slingshot dropkick back in for 2. Jericho jawbreakers out of a chinlock and hits a basement dropkick. Juvy lands on the apron after a backdrop again and hits a springboard crossbody. Jericho tries to catch him but still goes down for a 2 count. Another crossbody off the top rope and this time Jericho catches him. Wonder if he was supposed to last time but couldn't hold him. Press into a driver from Jericho for 2. Delayed suplex and arrogant cover. Tony thinks Malenko is counting slower for Jericho. He's definitely counting slow in general. Juvy goes down to the floor and we get a lot of motor revving as the match grinds to a halt. Juvy needs to walk something off, maybe legitimately. Jericho ambushes him coming back in. Slam and senton for 2. Jericho works a chinlock/weak sleeper. Juvy's comeback is cut off with a knee to the gut. Another suplex attempt. Juvy reverses and hits it. Jericho is still up first with kicks. He goes for the Lionsault. Juvy gets his knees up. Chops from Juvy. Flying headscissors. Juvy goes up top and hits a crazy corkscrew for 2. He tries to slide under again but Jericho grabs him, lifts him up and goes for a German suplex. Juvy flips out! He charges but runs right into Jericho's double powerbomb. Jericho kicks Juvy to the apron then does a springboard tackle to knock him to the floor. Nice variation on the usual dropkick. Another Juvy counter is cut off with a Jericho clothesline for 2. Big chops from Jericho. Juvy flips around Jericho into a DDT! Long 2 count. Juvy driver! Jericho kicks out! Juvy goes up top but Jericho crotches him. Superplex. Juvy slowly drapes an arm over for 2. Jericho double underhook, Juvy tries to counter, Jericho blocks that and hooks on the Liontamer! Juvy quickly get to the ropes. Jericho thinks he submitted. Malenko won't say a word and Jericho freaks out. Juvy grabs him and pounds him down in the corner. Malenko tries to stop it and Juvy gets him in the eye. Jericho gets the belt and nails Juvy with it! He slaps Malenko to wake him up! That woke him up all right. Jericho covers. Malenko counts but Juvy kicks out! Big time temper tantrum from Jericho. Top rope fight. Malenko pull Juvy down! Why? Jericho kicks Malenko. Juvy charges. Malenko lifts him up and Juvy hurricanranas Jericho! Pin and new champ! Man, even Sturgis popped for that. It's Juvy's second Cruiserweight title win. Jericho tries to punch Malenko but Malenko ducks and punches him out. Good but nowhere near great match. Given it's in Sturgis that's as good as we could have expected. The end sequence was a bit overdone. ***1/4

This was the end of what would be Jericho's final reign with the Cruiserweight title. Given the superb work he'd been doing WCW would finally move him up a bit after this. It won't be too much longer and he'll be just about the only guy on the roster putting any real effort in until he bolts for WWF.
NWO Invitational Battle Royale- This is a small 8 man battle royale with four guys entered from each NWO faction and one from WCW. The NWO Hollywood participants are Scott Hall, the Giant, Scott Norton, and Curt Hennig. From NWO Wolfpac we have Kevin Nash, Sting, Lex Luger and Konnan. And representing WCW, World champ Goldberg. They couldn't find *anything* better for him to do on this show? We're officially up to 129-0 by the way. Incidentally the team of Hall and Giant recently defeated Nash and Sting to bring the world tag titles back to the black and white. It's over the top or pinfall to eliminate rules. Hall's surveys aren't going nearly as well now the Wolfpac are the popular NWO faction, and Goldberg is more popular still. It's hard to tell if his "One more for the good guys" is sticking with the gimmick or he's just too plastered to know the difference. It's kind of funny the crowd giving Konnan their preprogrammed responses without having any idea what they're saying. Everyone stands off a bit then the NWO factions go at each other while ignoring Goldberg. Goldberg gets a flurry on Giant in the middle of the ring. Nash is all over former partner Hall in one corner. Hall ducks and Nash kicks (grazes) Goldberg. Hall uses that to set Goldberg up for the Razor's Edge. Goldberg backdrops him over the top and Hall is gone. Nash says screw the match, steps over the top rope and goes out to continue the onslaught on Hall. Goldberg spear on Hennig. He goes to throw Hennig out but Hennig doesn't want to go yet so Goldberg awkwardly leaves him and goes somewhere else. There's so much standing around and not doing anything despite the fact hardly anyone's in there and we're only a few minutes in it's ridiculous. Giant and Goldberg find each other again with Giant pounding him down a bit. Giant Russian leg sweep on Goldberg. More meandering around. Sting goes for the Scorpion Death Lock on Hennig. Not sure about that strategery in a battle royale. Goldberg spear on Konnan. Konnan's gone. Hennig allllllllmost gets Goldberg up and over the top rope but Goldberg fights it off. Giant back suplex on Goldberg. He takes some more shots but quickly shrugs off all the damage, spears Hennig again, and tosses him out. A Goldberg double clothesline eliminates both Norton and Sting. Spear on Luger. Giant casually picks up Luger's carcass and tosses him out so someone besides Goldberg gets an elimination. We're down to Goldberg and Giant, who were feuding coming into this show. Guess a title match made too much sense. Giant hits the chokeslam. Goldberg sits up! Undertaker like. Spear. Jackhammer on Giant. Pin and Goldberg wins again. That result was a foregone conclusion as soon as Goldberg was entered in this, they weren't going to end the streak in a freaking random battle royale or open the door for any arguments. On top of that, Goldberg just buzzsawed through practically every single credible world title challenger on the roster. I don't get the thought behind this at all. The match was also dull as hell with more dead spots than action. 1/4*
Diamond Dallas Page and Jay Leno (w/Kevin Eubanks) def Hollywood Hogan and Eric Bischoff (w/The Disciple and Elizabeth) in 14:34- Yes, you read that right. After having basketball stars Dennis Rodman and Karl Malone wrestle in the main event at Bash at the Beach, WCW now has Jay Leno in. The Tonight Show host. Wrestling. On PPV. In the main event. Seeing the clips from the build on the Tonight Show itself I'm thinking they were trying to recreate the Jerry Lawler/Andy Kaufman feud to some degree but with no understanding of what made that feud work. Bischoff might as well be a ringer too as this is only his second recorded match, and the first was that utter disaster with Larry Zbyszko at Starrcade. Heenan offers to take over the Tonight Show from Leno if he can't anymore after this. I won't lie, I would watch the shit out of that. Heenan would be brilliant in that format. The traditionally pro-Hogan Sturgis crowd doesn't seem so solid anymore. DDP's team comes out together to Leno's music. Leno throws his cup of water on Bischoff and Hogan while Hogan's trying to promo into the camera. After the bell rings everyone stands off and jaws in the ring. Eventually we kick off with Hogan and DDP. Already smarter than the last match. Quick lockup stalemate. Hogan wins the second and tosses his bandanna at DDP. Arm wringer tradeoff. Hogan pulls DDP down by the hair. He slaps DDP! DDP slaps back! Leno slaps Hogan from the apron! Swinging neckbreaker from DDP. Hogan powders. Eubanks comes up from behind and posts Hogan! Hogan gets back in upset at Eubanks and DDP rolls him up for 2. Hogan tells Disciple to keep an eye on Eubanks. As usual, Beefcake has no idea what to do unless Hogan tells him what to do. Hogan gets the jump on DDP and gets him trapped in the heel corner. Bischoff tags in for a double team. Leno tries to run in but gets held back. DDP gets a boot up in the corner on Bischoff. Tag to Leno! Bischoff does the silliest scared fall backward and tags Hogan. Leno stays in with Hogan! He ducks a lockup and does a ton of mocking of Hogan, most of it hair centered. Another lockup duck and Leno tags out to DDP. Hogan goes to the quick eye poke to get the edge. Clothesline. More arm work with DDP getting the advantage back. He gets Hogan down and tags Leno back in. Leno with arm wringers! Hogan grabs Leno's hair, backs him into the corner, gives him a knee and chokes him. Leno ducks, gets the arm wringer back on, and tags DDP. Double clothesline on Hogan. Leno covers for 2! Hogan goes to the floor but gets trapped between DDP and Eubanks holding a chair. Eubanks uses the chair as a shield to block a Hogan punch and DDP gets him back in the ring. Bischoff tries to kick DDP from the apron. DDP shrugs it off and punches Bischoff off the apron, but that gives Hogan an opening to attack. DDP does a crazy sell of a Hogan corner clothesline. Bischoff tags in and lays in some kicks and body shots. He decides to celebrate and DDP gets back on top of him. Hogan has some knucks and waffles DDP with them. He drapes Bischoff over for 2. DDP gets caught in the wrong corner again. Hogan shouts "So's your mother" in response to something someone in the crowd said and gives DDP the big boot. DDP is back up with a clothesline! No legdrop for you. Both guys are down. Tags on both sides! Bischoff backs off from Leno. Leno goes in and Bischoff eye pokes him. Leno low blow! Sorta punch/clothesline. Another one. If those are punches they're the worst but Bischoff is selling them. Bischoff gets run into the turnbuckles. Hogan distracts and the heels set up a double team. Hogan takes Bischoff out. DDP Cactus clothesline on Hogan! Eubanks gets in the ring. He Diamond Cutters Bischoff! Leno covers and gets the pin! You know what, that wasn't completely horrible. It's definitely better than the Bash at the Beach main event. It's shorter, Leno didn't get exposed nearly as much, and being an entertainer he knew how to keep things interesting. Credit to him for being game to do whatever he could too, which didn't include taking bumps. Having the right result, unlike Bash at the Beach, also helped. DDP getting any kind of win over Hogan helps his continued ascent too. A straight up one on one win would have been better but good luck trying to talk Hogan into jobbing to DDP. 3/4*

The NWO guys try to attack again after the bell but Goldberg runs in and spears both Hogan and Bischoff in one go.

OVERALL SHOW THOUGHTS- We're getting close to the point where WCW starts fully circling the drain. The Sturgis shows are always weird regardless, it's anything but a great atmosphere and I never understood why WCW kept going back there. Getting out of the Summer of the Ringers you'd hope that WCW would start to show some kind of clear creative direction going their fall/winter run of Fall Brawl/War Games, Halloween Havoc and Starrcade, but if you thought the ringers were bad, just wait until you see who's coming next.

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