Legacy Review
Rebellion 2000
December 2, 2000 from the Sheffield Arena in Sheffield, England
Commentary: Jim Ross and Tazz
There's a few different things happening for this second UK exclusive PPV of the year. Firstly, it's been moved from its usual October time slot a couple of months later to December. It's also just a week before the next main PPV, Armageddon. Second, it's one of the rare times they get out of the London area for one of these shows, heading up north to Sheffield in South Yorkshire. Third, Tazz is making his PPV debut on commentary as Jerry Lawler didn't make the trip, not too long after he started dabbling in commentary as his body broke down due to injuries. I assume that whole Tazz trying to murder JR thing from over the summer has been cleared up.
The show opens with a black cab driving up with a "Commish" license plate. How do you put a license plate on a cab? The door opens and out comes.....Debra. Ugh. With a camera angle that's supposed to make her look attractive, like we're checking her out. Don't waste my time. Anyway, she's recently been appointed as Assistant or Lieutenant (pronounced leftenant in the UK) Commissioner to real Commish Mick Foley. Foley himself comes out of the cab after. After the requisite pyro and ballyhoo, with enough pyro to do a decent recreation of the Blitz, Foley's music hits and the Commish and his bit of tail come out and make their way into the ring. Foley hypes the main event, then says Triple H demanded to be in the main event and if he couldn't he's not making the show. Complete with Foley Trips impersonation. Foley said that's fine, he can stay home. After what happened to him in Survivor Series, shouldn't he be dead? Or at least still in hospital? Foley then makes the main event no DQ and no countout. Aren't all Fatal Four Ways? Debra manages to get her two lines and four words right so it's a good night for her. Angle comes out to protest and gets brushed off. That took a lot of time to accomplish very little.
Triple Threat Elimination Tables Match: The Dudley Boyz def Edge & Christian and T&A (w/Trish Stratus) in 9:55- Now THERE'S a woman I'd appreciate a "camera slowly checks her out" angle of. T&A are still wearing APA gear to celebrate injuring both of them. Somehow there's still pyro left for the Dudleyz' entrance. This is like the previous Dudleyz' Invitational match, you only have to put one team member through a table to eliminate them. Albert and D'Von start with a quick Albert edge. D'Von hits clotheslines to try to chop the big tree down. Double suplex from the Dudleyz. Bubba Ray chops only piss Albert off. Double back elbow from T&A. They get the first table out. The Dudleyz don't appreciate that. E&C are the smartest team, just parking it on the apron and watching the other two punish each other. The Dudleyz lift the table up. Albert kicks it and it breaks in half! For the record, that doesn't count for an elimination. I also don't think that was intended. Test chokes Bubba Ray in the corner a long time while a replacement table is brought in. T&A try to double backdrop Bubba Ray into the table but D'Von moves the table out of the way. Edge tags himself in on Test. Bubba Ray hits him back, so Edge runs over and tags Test back in. Bubba Ray gets a boot up on Test coming off the second rope and tags D'Von. D'Von suckers Albert in and the Dudleyz reverse 3D him. Things break down into a full on DONNYBROOK. Albert gets on the second rope with Bubba Ray. E&C come from behind and pull Albert down into the table! T&A are eliminated. The Dudleyz and E&C take the fight to the floor. E&C double team D'Von on the floor, putting him in peril. Russian leg sweep from Christian. Edge tells Christian to grab a table, then runs over and pops Bubba Ray on the apron. D'Von baseball slides the table, knocking both E&C guys down! Hot tag to Bubba Ray! Or not, ref Tim White didn't see the tag. That allows the beatdown on D'Von to continue. D'Von ducks a Christian clothesline and side suplexes him. Real hot tag to Bubba Ray! Backdrop for Edge. Hot shot for Christian. Edge gets a spear! E&C want to give Bubba Ray the Whazzup drop! Bubba Ray rolls Christian up and Edge falls into Christian! The real Whazzup drop hits on Edge. Get the tables time. Christian literally tackles Edge to save him from a 3D. Christian takes the 3D through the table and it's over! Reasonably fun match from three teams that knew each other very well. **3/4
Michal Cole is in the back with Lita, but I can't pay attention to the promo, I'm too distracted by the giant stack of beer kegs behind her. That's something you normally didn't see in backstage shots.
WWF Women's Championship: Ivory (c) (w/Steven Richards) def Lita in 2:57- Richards gets drowned out by boos at the start of his promo before getting into it. There was a woman in the UK named Mary Whitehouse he'd probably want to take a meeting with. The National Viewers and Listeners Association was the original Right to Censor. Lita spears Ivory as she gets in the ring! Armdrag and shotgun dropkick. Snap mare and dropkick to Ivory's back for 2. Lita comes to almost a dead stop waiting for Ivory to get her boots up in the corner. Back suplex from Lita for 2. Richards gets on the apron and Lita snaps him over the top rope by his tie. Ivory hits some chops in the corner. Lita gets tossed around and choked. Legdrop for 2. Ivory hooks up an arm wringer and hits a northern lights suplex for 2. Flying headscissors counter from Lita! One foot dropkick. Or just a very sloppy one. Twist of Fate! Richards distracts again. Tope suicida from Lita on Richards! She tries to sunset flip Ivory. Ivory drops down, gets leverage help from Richards, and gets the pin! Not particularly good, but it's better than their Survivor Series match. Ivory's game, but her style is very '80s women's wrestling. Lita needs to be in there with someone more modern. *1/2
The beer keg stack does not outshine the Rock. Switching to "candy bum" is a nice local twist.
WWF Hardcore Championship: Steve Blackman (c) def Perry Saturn in 6:02- Saturn jumps Blackman before the bell. Blackman reverses a corner whip and dropkicks Saturn in the back. Tazz tries to make "rocketbuster" a thing. Saturn ducks an enzuguri, leading into standing switches, Saturn blocks a roll up and tosses Blackman over the top to the floor. Plancha! Cover on the floor for 2. Blackman suplexes Saturn on the floor. He goes under the ring and gets a trash can, then a couple of pieces of metal that look like inbox trays or something. Saturn takes a couple of shots from them. Blackman wedges the trash can in the corner. Reversal and Saturn drop toe holds Blackman into it! Couple of counters and Blackman takes a shot from one of those metal objects right in the head for 2. Blackman gets a backslide for 2. In a hardcore match? Saturn crucifix for 2. In a hardcore match? Blackman gets tossed again. He tries to skin the cat but Saturn whacks him with the piece of metal again. Saturn goes for a tope suicida but Blackman nails him with the metal as he's coming down! Saturn gets a fire extinguisher out and sets it off in Blackman's general vicinity. That didn't work very well. Now Saturn gets a good old chair and sets it up in the ring. Blackman drop toe holds him into it! Blackman goes out and gets his short sticks. He goes nuts on Saturn with them and hits a side suplex for a long 2. Saturn gets a stick and low blows Blackman with it! Small package for 2. Blackman kicks the chair in Saturn's face and that gets the pin! Solid hardcore stuff. **1/2
Both JR and Tazz call Regal "Steven Regal" before the next match. Regal's prematch promo sounds really genuine and not in character at all.....until he starts running down other British sports icons that don't stack up to him. I like how he says he'll proudly represent Great Britain to those loser Americans, even if they're all on the dole and too skint to have any dosh for Christmas food or presents.
Undertaker motorbikes in.
WWF European Championship: Crash Holly (w/Molly Holly) def William Regal (c) in 4:59- After the longish backstage promo Regal takes a mic again after intros. He's a bit cross he's not exactly getting a warm home country welcome. I remember when WWF got Vinnie Jones in for a UK PPV a couple of years prior, he'd be so perfect for a run in right now. After a bit Crash jumps from behind and we're on. Flying headscissors and dropkick from Crash. Regal tosses Crash shoulder first into the corner and hits a powerbomb for 2. Wave! European uppercut. Back elbow and another wave. Tazz tries to say Regal's in "fine fickle". He means fettle. Don't try to speak British if you're from Brooklyn. Crash fights out of a chinlock and gets a nice cradle counter to a hiptoss attempt for 2. Regal puts him back down with a straight kick. Kneedrop for 2. Another European uppercut. Straight lefts in the corner. Back suplex for 2. Another Regal chinlock with some rope leverage game playing. Crash ducks another uppercut into a backslide for 2. Flash roll up for 2. Flying back elbow for 2. Hurricanarana from Crash for 2. Crash tries to float over in the corner but Regal straight drops him. The ref counts 3, but Crash had a foot on the rope. Molly protests to the ref, then sneaks behind Regal and hits a missile dropkick! Crash covers and gets the pin while Chimel was announcing Regal as the winner! Regal stomps Crash down, takes the belt and leaves, apparently oblivious the match was restarted and he was pinned. Crash's win would stand and he did go into the record books as a European champion, albeit a short lived one. Regal would settle any controversy by defeating Crash on the next Raw. Decentish match, but I would have played more into the "Regal can't focus because the crowd is bothering him" angle than doing the swervy finish. **
Angle begs Chris Benoit for some help tonight.
WWF Intercontinental Champion "The One" Billy Gunn and Chyna def Dean Malenko and Eddie Guerrero in 7:26- Gunn recently defeated Guerrero for the IC title on Smackdown, his one and only run with the belt as part of yet another futile, and short, attempt at a Billy Gunn singles push. Chyna's in some really different gear tonight. Almost like she accidentally left her regular gear at home. Guerrero jumps Gunn before the bell. Guerrero flips out of a tiltawhirl attempt and hits a basement dropkick. He works on Gunn's knee a bit. More speed and this time Gunn gets the tiltawhirl slam. While Gunn's arguing with ref Teddy Long about a corner break Guerrero slowly sneaks behind Gunn. Gunn turns around and Guerrero begs off, then offers a handshake. Gunn takes it, then levels Guerrero with a clothesline. Malenko runs in and it's EVERYONE IN THE POOL time. Guerrero and Chyna try to work out their former relationship differences with fists. There's some places that encourage that kind of couples therapy. Stereo press slams from the faces and the Radicalz powder. Malenko gets in the ring with Chyna while Guerrero and Gunn fight on the floor. Hiptoss and clothesline from Chyna for 2. She counters a cloverleaf attempt into a small package for 2. Handspring elbow. Guerrero trips Chyna from the floor. Somehow that was all it took to kill her momentum. Guerrero beats Chyna down in the Radicalz' corner. Double elbow on Chyna for 2. Malenko hooks on a front facelock. Gee, I wonder what's coming. No, they flip the script. Instead of the phantom tag spot Chyna sunset flips Malenko, causing everyone else to run in. The Radicalz double up on Chyna while Long gets Gunn out. Same result, different path. While Malenko is floating over in the corner Chyna puts her foot up and he gets low blowed. DDT from Chyna. Tag to Gunn and we're quickly donnybrooking again. Gunn double clotheslines both Radicalz. Powerslam on Malenko for 2. Jackhammer from Gunn. Fameasser. Guerrero breaks the pin up! Chyna tosses him out again. Sleeper neckbreaker from Gunn on Malenko and that gets the pin. *3/4
Kane def Chris Jericho in 8:06- A reminder that this feud started over a spilled cup of coffee. After a standard fare promo Jericho charges in and attacks. Kane weathers the storm and hits a big boot. Jericho dodges an elbow drop and hits a dropkick, then Cactus clotheslines Kane to the floor. The springboard dropkick hits. Jericho tries a crossbody off the top but gets caught and powerslammed for 2. Faceplant backdrop from Kane. He hangs Jericho on his back and stretches him out. Jericho uses the corner to flip over and gets a small package for 2. Kane quickly gets back on offense and goes into slow punchy chokey mode. Side suplex. Kane goes up top. Jericho crotches him and also goes up. Kane fights him off and comes off the top into a dropkick counter. Would have been more impressive if they hadn't done the exact same thing their last match at Survivor Series. Jericho has a comeback flurry and hits an enzuguri. Missile dropkick for 2. Kane goes for what looks like a snake eyes. Jericho slips out and pushes Kane into the corner into a roll up for 2. Walls attempt! Kane fights and Jericho can't turn him over. Goozle! Jericho kicks free and hits a bulldog. Lionsault! Into Kane's knees! He didn't even get his knees up, that was into his knees. Chokeslam and it's over. Meh. This is a textbook wheel spinning feud that didn't do either guy any favors. **1/4
As Kane's leaving Jericho attacks him from behind with a chair! We get a Tony Garea sighting as the refs try to get Jericho away. He hooks on the Walls on the stage! Kane taps. Jericho lets go and leaves.
Trish tries to mouth off at Lita backstage and gets a drink in the face. Lita knocks her around backstage and pulls her top off. No one's complaining. They continue fighting into Ivory's locker room, who's also in her bra. That's less good. Better than Mae Young though.
WWF Tag Team Championship: Right to Censor (c) (w/Val Venus) def The Hardy Boyz in 8:08- Tazz tries "rocketbuster" again. Still going nowhere pal. After intros the Hardyz get up on the ropes to pose and let the RTC jump them from behind. They maneuver around to get the RTC on the floor and hit stereo planchas! Now we finish posing. Buchanan loses his tie and untucks his shirt. That has to be a violation of RTC bylaws. We settle back in with Buchanan knocking Jeff around. Jeff tries a couple of flash moves that don't work but manages to get a flying headscissors. Goodfather MURDERS Jeff from the apron with a clothesline. I'll say it again, in this period Jeff was the best there was at taking a beating since Ricky Morton. Jeff stays in peril as the RTC quick tag him. He and Buchanan have a collision in the middle of the ring that Buchanan didn't seem to know was coming. Matt also blind tagged himself in and takes it to Buchanan, who looked so beyond lost there. Matt hooks up for the Twist of Fate. Venus gets on the apron to distract ref Teddy Long. Goodfather comes in with a tag belt, but takes Buchanan out! Legdrop off the second rope from Matt. Goodfather pulls Matt out of the pin and whips him into the post. Matt gets double teamed in the RTC corner. Goodfather works on Matt's arm for a bit, then everyone forgets about it. Matt manages to get a DDT counter. Matt leaps for a tag but Goodfather catches him to just cut him off. Matt dodges the no more hos train, which was in the RTC corner and also takes out Buchanan. Tag to Jeff. Shotgun dropkick. Buchanan comes in for more double teaming. Jeff springboard moonsault on both of them! Everyone in. Poetry in Motion hits on both RTC guys. Jeff low blow legdrop. Matt hits the Twist of Fate on Goodfather! Jeff swanton bomb! Long's distracted in the corner, allowing Venus to hit a Money Shot on Jeff. Goodfather covers and gets the win. The RTC might be the hot heel gimmick of the moment, at least among the decision makers backstage, but they're quickly outliving what little usefulness they ever had in the ring. *1/2
E&C use Christian's hurt ribs from going through a table earlier as an excuse to not help Angle tonight. At least the excuse is plausible this time. Elsewhere, Taker is walking. He turns a corner and there's Benoit. The other Radicalz jump Taker from behind! They all attack Taker's knee.
The Undertaker def Chris Benoit in 12:18- Kind of amazing, this is the only PPV match and only one on one match Benoit and Taker ever had. Taker's music hits but no one comes out. Benoit takes the mic, says the American Bad Ass left his ass in America, and demands a forfeit. The music hits again. Still nothing. Chimel starts to declare Benoit the winner. Music hit #3 and Taker limps his way down the ramp. I'm relieved he left the Godfather's gold pants he wore at Survivor Series in the US, those just looked wrong on him. As soon as Taker hits the ring Benoit attacks the knee. He drapes Taker's leg over the middle rope and goes nuts on it. Taker tries to slug back. Benoit runs into a back elbow and a boot up in the corner. Gorilla press from Taker! Not a usual move from him. He pounds Benoit in the corner while still selling the knee. Benoit kicks back on the knee but Taker shrugs it off. Old school hits with Taker still fighting the knee after. Benoit drags Taker down from the floor in the corner but Taker pulls him into the post with his legs. As Taker's getting back in Benoit tackles him back to the floor. Dive off the apron. Taker catches him and posts his back. Cover back in for 2. Taker continues to stay focused on Benoit's back. Bear hug! Another not typical move from Taker. Benoit headbutts out but runs into a big boot for 2. Taker tiltawhirl scoops Benoit up. Benoit wiggles free and basement dropkick's Taker's knee, then goes back to trying to pick the knee apart. Benoit wraps up a step over toe hold and gets a couple of near falls off it. Taker hits some gut shots and starts to slug back until he takes another dropkick in the knee. Another step over toe hold. Taker counters free and plants Benoit's knee on the mat! Benoit does a kind of enzuguri on Taker's bad knee to get him back down. This time he puts on the full figure four! I've been waiting for that. More near falls. Taker fights and reverses it. Benoit crawls over for a rope break. Slugfest that Taker wins. Benoit ducks a punch and hits a back suplex, then gets back on the knee. He goes up top. Diving headbutt into the knee! He goes for the figure four again. Taker wraps up a Paul Smackage to get the shock win! Classic finish, I love it. It's a shame these two never had a shot on a regular PPV. This wasn't anything like a blowaway great match, but they had a solid game plan and good chemistry and likely a much better match in them. Bonus points for that finish too. ***
Fatal Four Way Match for the WWF Championship: Kurt Angle (c) def The Rock, Rikishi and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin in 8:51- Never a good sign for your title reign when you're the champ and come out second out of four guys. Rock gets a big pop. Austin's just about blows the roof off the damn place. Austin's in and it's on, Austin with Angle in the ring while Rock and Rikishi go to the floor. Austin hits a spinebuster on Angle for 2. Suplex for 2. Rikshi trips Austin from the floor so Austin slugs away on him. Rock gives Angle a Samoan drop for 2. He momentum tosses Angle out to the floor. While Angle's still in the air Rikishi transfers into the ring. Rock and Austin pound away on him. Angle tries to sneak away while that's happening. Rock sees and charges him down on the ramp. Austin Thesz Press on Rikishi. Elbow drop for 2. Rock rolls Angle back in the ring and Austin Thesz Presses him! Angle and Austin go back to the floor while Rock slugs on Rikishi in the ring. Austin chokes Angle with a TV cable. Rikishi gets Rock in the corner and gives him an avalanche. Rock's in position. Rikishi goes for a stinkface but Rock pushes him away. Spinebuster! Pad off! People's Elbow! Angle breaks the pin up! Angle covers Rikishi! Austin breaks that up. Now AUSTIN covers Rikishi and Rikishi kicks out. For the first time in the match the heels take the edge. Austin and Rock drags themselves up and slug back. The heels are tossed out. Rock and Austin are in the ring alone. They realize this and stare down. Here they go! Kind of Hogan and Warrior facing off in the '90 Rumble vibes. Austin hits the Stunner! With a classic insane Rock oversell. Angle breaks the pin up. Rikishi legdrops Angle while trying to cover Rock! Rikishi covers and Rock kicks out. Angle and Rikishi try to double up on Austin but Austin clotheslines them both. Mudhole stomps on Angle. But Rock's waiting behind him. Rock Bottom on Austin! Rikishi pulls Hebner out of the ring just before 3! Angle Slam on Rock! Hebner's still on the floor. By the time he gets back Rock kicks out! Austin rolls Angle up for 2. Here come Edge and Christian. Austin quickly fights them off. Rock Bottom on Rikishi! Edge just barely gets in the ring in time to grabs Rock's foot to break the pin up. Now the Radicalz are out. Stunner on Rikishi! The Radiclaz drag Austin off. Angle Slam on Rikishi! Rock and Austin are still fighting on the floor and Angle gets the pin! And quickly gets the hell out of town. Fun, if short, house show style four way main event. ***1/2
Austin and Rock fight the Radicalz off, with Benoit and Guerrero both coming back for seconds, to send the crowd home happy. Austin and Rock argue a bit. Rock starts to leave but Austin brings him back in to plead his case. Then Austin says fuck it, let's have a beer. Rock thinks about it then joins in. That war is coming, but not today.
OVERALL SHOW THOUGHTS- Another fairly fun UK house show on PPV. After a big rough patch near the start of them they've settled into a decent groove for these shows. JR and Tazz sounded like they were having fun with each other on commentary their first time out, which always helps.
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